Ist es schlecht als Mutter sehr streng zu seinem Sohn zu sein?
Sollte ich weniger streng sein, wenn ich ihn bei Fehlverhalten erwische? Oder ist strenge das beste Mittel zur Besserung?
Sollte ich weniger streng sein, wenn ich ihn bei Fehlverhalten erwische? Oder ist strenge das beste Mittel zur Besserung?
Weiß jemand, ob dieser Erbgang Gonosomal oder Autosomal ist, wer alles Träger ist und wo welche Mendelschen Regeln auftreten?
Meine Eltern hatten nie eine wirklich glückliche Beziehung. Sie passen menschlich nicht wirklich zusammen und haben immer viel gestritten. Mein Vater ist ein Choleriker, der uns allen das Leben schwer machen kann. Für uns Kinder hat er sich immer bemüht und viel getan, seine cholerischen Anfälle haben aber trotzdem “Wunden” hinterlassen.Meine Mutter hat ihn nie…
Ich war kurz raus in das office von meinem vater meine Hausaufgaben machen weil meine eltern mein wlan abgeschaltet haben. Jedenfalls habe ich den schlüssel zur haustür mitgenommen weil ich später noch wieder rein wollte logischerweise allerdings klemmt das schloss. Die tür will nicht aufgehen und mein handy ist leer kann also niemanden anrufen. Hab…
Ist es eine konservative Erziehung wenn die Eltern das Kind mal geschlagen haben? Bzw. ist es gerecht sie dann konservative a*schlöcher zu nennen?
Als ihr in euren Studium wart oder Ausbildung und in eure 20er… Habt ihr schon mal Stress mit euren Eltern gehabt? Versuchten über Sachen zu belehren, die euch bereits bekannt waren oder habt euch gefragt warum erzählst du mir das? Was hat es mit mir zu tun? Oder ich habt mal die Stimme erhöht gegen…
Hallo, unzwar möchte ich ein bisschen Informationen sammeln, was das Jugendamt angeht und da es auch leider meine Cousine betrifft. ich erkläre mal kurz und knapp ohne wirklich viel zu verraten die Situation: Meine cousine knappe 17, hat eine recht schwierige Familiensituation, Elternteile getrennt. Sie lebt mit einem Elternteil, der sie sehr nachverlässigt, Immer alles…
I don’t know what to say. You want to hit him? House arrest? Don’t talk to him anymore? – I don’t think that’s all right.
My attitude towards my children and pupils is about:
I would insist on reparation and would be strict on this point. But it is part of growing up that you make mistakes and stupidities. It doesn’t change my goodwill. Young people can change. My task is to explain to them the effects of their actions and to show them other behavioral options at best.
From my point of view, a strict education often leads to children being afraid or getting to talk to parents about problems and built crap. From my point of view, this often leads to children starting to lie to their parents or to conceal important things to their parents when they have, for example, built crap. And lies or mistrust of children to parents, I see as extremely worrying.
It depends on how to define strings. For some, it’s hard to deny the child’s dessert because it’s ruptured car tires.
A few examples from your everyday life would therefore be helpful.
The principle of adequacy and proportionality should play the leading role here.
This depends on what you understand under “Stenge” – physical breeding, house arrest, pocket yellowing, cell phone ban…
It is important not rigour, but consequence. Your son must know that everything he does has an impact and he must take responsibility for it.
If he stole something, it would be consistent to let him return the stolen, along with an apology.
But it’s just as important that he doesn’t lose confidence in you and knows that you always have an open ear for him – no matter what he has eaten out.
Excessive strenge is not helpful, because it only leads your son to no longer trust you and to no longer share his worries and needs with you. He’ll lie to you if he doesn’t feel understood and unjustly treated.
With things that are an absolute No Go like stealing or taking drugs.
My son knows his limits with me. If he exaggerates it too much, there’s also waking on his ass or he has to do something for me.
the children of strict parents are the best liars!
and always think: these children are looking for the retirement home!
Children lose love and trust in parents when they get punishment or a ban.
Better loosen a little.
Most importantly, he understands the values and principles behind your strenge. Also, you mean it well. If he doesn’t understand, he might dance on your nose.
This cannot be flattened. One would have to illuminate the situation and also your personal definition of “the strenge”
New research proves that TO strict Education has a very negative effect on the child, but the emphasis is on “too strict”. So it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t set any limits. which%20%20%C3%BCconcerned,and%20of which%20more%20force%20!
As a mother, you should remain strict, my mom was also quite strict with me, and there was also severe punishment, in my childhood and youth, and think that it helped me very much.
Strictly maintained
I’ll keep it that way!
My parents were very strict and religious. And that made me break with purpose to break down and break many taboos. If you ask me what I missed? Empathy and understanding, love instead of hard strenge. Then I would have stopped and probably wouldn’t have been so bad.
Brings nix, only leads to that who want to feel restricted and break out
Your few unconcrete words do not say anything about what aspiration means to you.
Consistent behaviour and a comprehensible reaction that can be traced to the child is educationally effective.
I am not a representative of the “Laissez-faire” education, but too much strenge is also quite counterproductive.
You can actually educate your child without making it a mess for mistakes.
In the optimal case, the father “takes over” the strenge and the mother the gentleness in the education. If the father is not there, the mother must play both roles, which is difficult for the mother and the child.
Rightly outdated this “good cop, bad cop” education.
Yes, is outdated, but has worked for centuries 🙂
Then we are the same opinion🤓
Perhaps I have expressed myself unhappy – I just wanted to point out that BEIDE should be involved in education.
Well, not really. Your variant was Good Cop – Bad cop :/
I have only described reality
Good proposal for a solution I suggested.
Mother and father educate alike. That would be my proposal for a solution :))
Could I also return to you, or what was your constructive solution? I wrote a comment on this with a link that addresses the topic
By the way, your roles are for the ton, ideally both parent parts draw the same line
Proposed solutions, please.
Has slavery too.
Do you have a better idea? Let go.
Cool. Monarchy did this for several centuries, only at what price?
Man or woman do not lead through education, but through a flawless example.
You could see exactly what your share of his behavior is.
Depends on what you understand.
Depends on what is strictly concrete.
Relax, please!