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Not at all! This is probably even very healthy as it stimulates fat metabolism after recent research. Who would have thought that?
In addition, it has been demonstrated in animal studies that Grapefruit reduces insulin resistance. Diabetics type II which constantly take medicines and/or spray insulin should therefore be careful and measure their blood sugar levels more often a day. The drugs may have to be adjusted to avoid underseeds.
If this is confirmed by humans, it would be very good!
Thank you for this answer, I will eat a fat grapefruit today 🙂
As long as you don’t take drugs, you can eat so many of them until it comes out of your ears.
Grapefruit can, however, greatly change the effect of medication!
This concerns not only the inhibition of the metabolic enzyme CYP3A4, but also various other metabolic enzymes which are responsible for the degradation or metabolism of drugs.
What drugs are affected in what way can not be predicted in any case. In some, the effect is delayed/reduced others can be intensified immensely or show unexpected side effects. What happens depends on the metabolism of the affected person.
(Opiates such as Tramadol and various antidepressants are extremely enhanced from their own experience. )
Grapefruit is not a problem for a healthy person.
If you take blood pressure sinkers, yes. In healthy people, I don’t see any problems as long as it is in the stomach.
More healthy. However, the acids soften the enamel of the teeth, and one should wait at least half an hour between the consumption and the brushing of the teeth.
does mouthwashing also go?
It was more related to the morning ritual. When you clean them, and when you eat breakfast. They are usually eaten in the morning.
I don’t eat sweet fruits (but rarely), more so acidic and vegetables! But still thanks for the information.
And grapefruit burns more fat…
Then we’ll just plan the teeth cleaning later.
But I read that fruit in the evening is causing fat burning. You better eat it in the morning.
But I drink lemon water until late in the evening.
I eat more fruit evenings
Why isn’t one enough? It’s enough – every few days. Eat other fruits: the mixture makes it. Your body needs different vitamins – not just monoculture.
But I want to eat grapefruit I love this fruit and taste it, I also eat other fruits!
That would be too much of fruit. You can get a fat liver of this – my cardiologist told me. It’s good if you like something. But – there can be too much.
But the good cardiologist did not explain the entire mechanism of action…
This only affects people who, in any case, tend to add enzymes. In other people, the exact opposite can occur and the metabolism is stimulated because inhibitory enzymes are blocked…
The whole interplay of Cytochrome with Bergamotin and Naringin is not yet fully recorded.
Super then you must do it!
Two grapefruits are not a problem. However, it should be taken into account that there can be interactions with a not inconsiderable amount of medication caused by the plant substance naringin.
Yes that is known to me that it should not be taken with medicines or should
Grapefruit is not poisonous and everyone needs to know how he can.
If you are on acid reagierSt. ..
Why should it