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Hey :),in itself, chocolate is not bad but so long as it is in measure.Every day a whole table of it is extremely unhealthy and that it consists almost only of sugar and fat.
Too much sugar is at least unhealthy.
The cocoa itself is not unhealthy, only cleanses up, similar to coffee. Therefore do not drink in the evening.
Funfact: Since I lived for a time without sugar and carbohydrates, I thought it would be a good idea to drink 100% of Lindt in the evening… The night I could not make an eye…!
Cocoa is healthy.
But the sugar is not, as I have already written, above.
As long as there is no diabetes, it’s okay
I got it. *
That’s right
I didn’t say that each Diabetes gets. I’m just saying that many who have a genetic predisposition, e.g. through parents, can get diabetes — through sugar. You don’t know that before.
As a child, adolescent and up to the young adult age, I enjoyed lots of sugary food every day, e.g. a family pack Mars or Snickers ate within a few minutes.
Even today, I still eat some sugar. My blood sugar levels are very good until even a little too low. Bin 50+
Sugar is unhealthy for ALL. In addition, you never know whether the sugar actually triggers diabetes.