Ist es schädlich, einmal pro Woche ein Glas Wein zu trinken?
wenn man beispielsweise jeden Sonntag zum Mittagessen eingeladen ist und sich dort ein Glas Rotwein gönnt?
wenn man beispielsweise jeden Sonntag zum Mittagessen eingeladen ist und sich dort ein Glas Rotwein gönnt?
kann dann was passieren? merke den alkohol nicht
Hi, ich (M29) muss wissen ob in Astra Rakete mit 5,9% Alkohol Vodka enthalten ist, oder ob dem Getränk nur Vodkageschmack beigesetzt ist. Gerne mit Alter und Geschlecht.
Wenn man beim Rewe lieferservice Alkohol bestellt, muss man bei der Lieferung dann den Ausweis vorzeigen oder wird der schon im Bestellprozess abgefragt. Wie wär es dann geregelt wenn nur eine minderjährige person am tag der lieferung zuhause wär?
Kann man Weißwein, der seit zwei Wochen in meinem Zimmer offen steht noch trinken?
Also das Gefühl man ist so leicht und irgendwie so ein nicht ganz anwesendes Gefühl.
Even a small glass on two, three evenings a week – if it remains in the small glass – is absolutely safe. It is always a matter of mass – in dimensions it is okay, in masses no longer.
According to the latest research results (published in ‘The Lancet’), it is safe if you are over 40 years.
No, that’s not harmful!
My pediatrician found it okay that I drink a glass of red wine at home.
no, in small quantities red wine is even suitable for health promotion. (!) Alcohol consumption has a beneficial effect on the cholesterol ratio LDL cholesterol/HDL cholesterol. This reports a group around Roger Corder from Queen Mary University in London in the journal “Nature” (born 444, p. 566)
Scientists from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of Florida in Gainesville came to the conclusion in 2009 that a glass of red wine per day inhibits virus reproduction and reduces cancer risk.
Professor William Ghali from the University of Calgary was able to show in a meta-analysis of 84 studies in 2011 that people with light alcohol consumption around a quarter more rare with cardiovascular diseases suffer as abstinence.
Apparently, some research reports were just too beautiful to be true. Because the University of Connecticut accuses Prof. Dipak That, in 145 cases, have invented or faked research data
I’m sure there are other studies, and I don’t want to make anyone a wine drinker here, but in any case I see in a sunny glass of wine no danger.
The well-known red wine study by Dr. Dipak This is forged and that has long been dishonest from the University of Connecticut is now well known. As the other results of the study were achieved, the public is only now slowly known. When they were looking for students, they didn’t care why someone didn’t drink alcohol. Thus, healthy mistresses were compared with previous abstinencers.
Thank you, I didn’t know. But in my judgment of once the Woch a glass plays the keien role
The winzers would go broke if everyone would do that. ECT
Experts argue if 2 glasses are even positive daily, or if each drop is poison. The fact is that people in the Mediterranean area where moderate consumption is the rule, live longer and are healthier. But that depends on many factors. Stress, nutrition, pollution.
This is even below the amount that the WHO considers to be safe.
Oh okay many thanks for the info because had made me trouble even doctors had recommended me to drink a glass of wine.
That’s too outdated.
They used to say 1 glass of red wine per day was healthy. That’s not true.
But a small amount doesn’t hurt either.
Not for me, there’s still better food… but this isn’t all gonna be like this.
No. Red wine is better than white wine.
that is not a problem, I also like to have one
No, it’s completely safe.
With each sip you also drink a sip more on the chance to get cancer.
This happens when you drink a glass of wine every day
Alcohol has no harm.