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2 months ago

It is usually not harmful to drink some vinegar, especially if it is diluted with water. Vinegar has a high acid, which could irritate the stomach with undiluted drinking, but in small amounts and diluted with water it is usually unproblematic. It would be good to drink enough water to alleviate the effect of the acid, and to pay attention to possible symptoms such as heartburn or stomach irritation.

2 months ago

No. Basically not.

“the one with the green bottle”

you shouldn’t have described it that way. 🤡

By the way, you shouldn’t eat salad. There’s also vinegar in there.

2 months ago

Drinking vinegar is not normal, but my grandma does on almost all grilled vinegar on it and not little, so a small swallow should not be harmful. Otherwise it would have hurt me

2 months ago

I don’t think that’s a problem. – One, two sluts of vinegar… at some point, it’s enough and you don’t want to drink any more.

2 months ago

Vinegar is first a food and is generally suitable for consumption.

However, it should not be consumed undiluted