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If you’re cooking Snus, you’re overdosed. This has something to do with lack of experience (maybe something with incompatibility). I don’t think it’s embarrassing.
Maybe interesting:
Thanks very much ⭐
Kind of – as in general – is just what you think is embarrassing. If you’re not embarrassed, it’s not bad: you don’t suffer.
If others find something embarrassing – and nobody talks about it with you, then you can’t care! Then you don’t suffer. Then only suffers – so we assume – the one from which you assume that he finds it embarrassing.
If someone talks to you about it and tells you that this is embarrassing, then only that one has a problem because he suffers. You’re still not suffering. Because it’s not embarrassing you.
If it’s not embarrassing yourself, it’s not embarrassing.
No, but yes…
was he/she present?
if he or she didn’t know you were handing over, it’s probably not embarrassing…
When you suddenly jumped out of the bed and started puking on the floor, already…
I mean, it’s embarrassing to tell someone.
Depends on the situation.
It’s embarrassing to take such a stuff at all.
No, but unpleasant. At my school, one of them has rowed into the hallway.
Nor more embarrassing than to think it is a good idea to put this dirt in your mouth. ;
jup :)🥲
No, your body tells you it’s evil! You should trust your body!
let it be the same