Ist es peinlich wenn man nur eine Freundin hat?
Vermutlich nicht peinlich sondern eher bemitleidenswert. Der Grund warum ich nur eine Freundin hab, ist wahrscheinlich meine starke Schüchternheit, Unsicherheit, Angst vor Ablehnung und weil ich meistens nicht so glücklich oder positiv bin.
Die meisten Menschen bevorzugen verständlicherweise die Gesellschaft von lustigen, fröhlichen Menschen, die offen sind und viel reden. Und bei mir dauert es zu lange, bis ich bei jemandem so sein kann. Und dann rede ich auch nicht wie ein Wasserfall.
True friends are only few in life or not. Is absolutely no shame to have few or no friends.
Thank you.
Of course.
After all, you have a girlfriend. No, it’s embarrassing or pitiful. And she can’t get into the wool with double women. 😉
No no good 🙂
As long as your girlfriend is not evil or so to you, it’s all good
It’s not always easy, but I don’t want to miss it 🙂
I don’t have any friends. And if you ask me only one friend or many others enough, you don’t need more.
I only got my girlfriend because I already met her in kindergarten and that was all even easier. The only stupid thing is that in the past, I’ve got too much to do with me for fear of losing her because I don’t have anyone else. But yes, basically you’re right. Thank you for your answer. LG Sonja:)
What is more beautiful than being friends with someone you grew up with? I hope she treats you nicely. What did you let you do if I can ask?
Yes, why not😊
Didn’t know that I wrote it somewhere Stalken can’t really be called.😄 Is it okay if I send you a friendship request? You look really nice and I’d like to have someone I can write in between. 😇
By the way, I don’t think you can chat so much publicly here, is against the guidelines. Not that we are still locked or something.
From a question you answered, you looked at your profile. If it’s still allowed, it’s public, and although Linkin Park was my favorite band in teenage age. At the moment I hear more older things. I usually hear Rock/Alternative/New Wave etc. But anyway. Sorry for stalken🙈
Nice to hear that it has become better with the years. Where do you think I have a good taste of music?😅 What do you hear about music / bands?
Yes, with jealousy and loneliness, I can definitely feel. :(Oh man, yes it is a difficult topic. And anyway, I don’t just throw that away, it’s gotten better anyway with the years 😊 So I definitely wish you all the best in your life and vlt you’ll find a buddy if you want it. I think you’re sympathetic and you have a good taste of music, as I have longed:) LG and a pleasant evening! 😊
Sometimes it doesn’t bother me at all and sometimes I feel lonely. If I don’t have one on e.g. New Year with which I can spend time or the other day on 1. August (is a holiday in Switzerland) then I feel lonely and can’t think differently from others that now have a good time. The jealousy is very big. I don’t like to celebrate my birthday because just a few of my family interested and no one else. Then I often feel very lonely. My vacations were very nice (I was on my way with my family, totalhas we were third) but when I saw other people on the tent pitch who were on my way with friends I often felt lonely too.
So having a girlfriend like you got it would be nice. If you like to spend time with her and do it well then keep the friendship. It’s nice.
Yes, before you lose yourself, it is sometimes not so bad to be alone. Or how are you doing it (if I can ask ðŸ ̃‰)?
I know that. I had a friend like that. I spent less and less time with him. At some point, we lost contact. And now I’m alone. I think I’m less afraid of being alone like you. Although it wasn’t my goal to be alone now, it somehow turned out. 🙈
Hm she’s always been through her will and got mad when I didn’t want her. But nix dramatic. Or I made things with her because she wanted that, which wasn’t very smart and such things. But in the end, I was often blamed for myself because I didn’t tell her the opinion. But then they were too afraid that this doesn’t stop the friendship and they don’t like me anymore. It’s hard sometimes when something like a dependency develops.
No, it’s not embarrassing at all. Many people have no friends. Be happy to have a girlfriend. :
Is that so? Good to know. Always have the impression that all have many friends only I don’t and that what’s wrong with me 😀
of course this is so. there are so many introverted people who have rather little friends
No, this is neither embarrassing nor pitiful
No. Everyone is different.
Better a Best Girlfriend Than Zisch Wrong
That’s what I just wanted to write.