Ist es peinlich mit 14 star wars the clone wars zu gucken?
Ich wahr schon immer ein großer star wars fan und hatte schon mit 6 alle filme bis 5 durch da die anderen meiner meinung kacke sind jetzt habe ich letztens clone wars entdeckt liebe die serie aber ein paar leute die ich kenne meinen es ist peinlich eine kinderserie (clone wars) mit 14 zu gucken stimmt das
Ich bin jetzt wieder voll im star wars fiber und habe mir battlefront 2 gekauft also wenn ihr mich entschuldigt ich muss einen krieg für die Clone gewinnen
I will end year 24 and have from all Star Wars animation series (The Clone Wars, Rebels, Bad Batch, etc.) highlight episodes that I still like to rewatch today.
The animation series are designed to address as much as possible all ages as the films. (I personally also have friends who are partly older than me and recently look at The Clone Wars and have their fun.)
So, if you like it, get it! It’s just important for you to know why you’re looking at something and why you like it.
Kind regards
The series is suitable for all ages and becomes rather gloomy, brutal and philosophical from the second half. Pure from storytelling it is probably the best SW in the whole movie and series category.
But many people can’t start with animation and set it up automatically with children’s series. But they usually do that just because they haven’t really looked at the series themselves.
Also the series Rebels is great. Despite her more childish animation style.
He’s 14.
At the age of 14, one is just getting out of the childhood, so it shouldn’t be childish to look at a series that was specially made for his age group.
(was actually thought of as answer for JMsummer lol)
I think it’s something for every age. Especially from mid season 3 it becomes darker and only really exciting 👍.
I would say stand to your opinion and don’t let others tell you what you like or don’t like.
Have fun looking further and remember “The truth is a valuable and rare good.”
May the Force be with you allways 👋.
I am 21 and look so happy Clone was above all when I am sick because I just feel better
With your fan background, it would be rather strange if you were NOT looking at the CLONE WARS…. the age doesn’t matter at all, not even for the FSK.
So… look and look forward to it.
(….and keep silent if you want to get out of the stupid comments of “the people”. )
May the power.
MfG WoT 🎈
It’s not embarrassing, you can still look at it at 60 years. Main thing you like it and that’s what counts at the end
And a series of children is by no means a series of animations.
I personally am 38 and love animation series, animes and co.
Only the OldSchool cartoon series no longer so, some already remind me of my childhood. But that’s an exception.
You don’t have to be embarrassed!
Either stand for what you like.
Or keep what you like when you’re afraid of the reaction of others.
But it doesn’t have to be embarrassing.
No, not at all. After all, The Clone was a pretty cool series.
Look at what you like – you don’t have to be embarrassed! I felt it more as embarrassing for MeLook at that.
I’m Trekkie! 🖖
Look at what you like.
I’m 20 and sometimes watch children’s series.
It’s a little kinetic.
And no, you can look at whatever age you want.
Look what you want.
Did I say something about it?