Ist es okay die Mutter zurück zu schlagen wenn sie mehrmals auf einen einschlägt?

Hi als ich 14 war wurde ich öfters von meiner Mutter geschlagen es hat schon alles mit 10 oder so angefangen ich hatte immer sau Angst von ihr eines Tages hat sie wieder auf mich eingeschlagen und getreten usw dann habe ich sie richtig zurückgeschlagen ich habe ihre Nase gebrochen und auch mit einen küchenmesser 2 mal eingestochen jetzt bin ich 21 Jahre trotzdem denke ich immer noch fast täglich daran weil

jeder in jeder Sache Menschen schreiben Das ist immer noch deine Mutter , die Frau hat dich 9 Monate im Bauch getragen usw ich fühle mich immer noch schlecht Ja seitdem haben wir keinen Kontakt mehr

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1 year ago

Violence as a reaction to violence is, in principle, neither okay nor targeted. In such a situation it would be right to get help, so either to contact the Youth Office directly or to share such problems with teachers, school social workers, counselling centres, etc. They’re obliged to report it.

Of course, in the affect, you can resist, but your reaction seems to be clearly beyond the target. It’s not about a simple blow to get rid of the situation and get help.

At 21 you are free to cancel the contact or to limit it to the minimum. This is much more appropriate than being violent. This is not only morally reprehensible, but also dangerous and criminal. Whether it’s your mother or someone else.

1 year ago

The thing is more extensive than you think and you have to be ready to look at the whole thing more closely and to accept it. I was mistreated and abused in my family and just looked after what was done to me. Thus, one is devoured of hatred and does not make it possible to live on his life. You’re stuck in the past. But there is not only the side of the victim, but also that of the perpetrator. You don’t know how they grew up or whether they’ve experienced something bad, maybe they’re also a addiction of alcohol, drugs or tablets. Sometimes they only give further what they have learned from their parents, they just don’t know better or a mental illness has changed them so. We do not talk about healthy people and then cannot expect any healthy behavior from them. You don’t have to forgive as a victim, but why this happens should you understand and accept. You can do better with it than if you’re pushing hatred to the end of your life. That hasn’t brought you any further and you don’t feel better. Important as it goes on for you now

1 year ago

every one in every thing people write This is still your mother, the woman has worn you 9 months in the belly etc

Who cares? She brought you to the world (yes, gift, blablabla), then she also has the duty to care for you. For example, to protect you from violence, not to add them to you.

You don’t have to be grateful for being born. You should be grateful to your parents if they were good parents, not only because they have kept the minimum, and the pregnancy falls below it. Your mother has failed with the other things, or at least with one.

If violence is done, you can also resist. Whether it’s your mother or anyone else. You have the right to defend yourself. And just as a child who was beaten by his own mother – usually a knife would be at least one step too far, but you were done by the person to protect you from violence. And she has made you life where you should have protection (at home) to hell. It’s not a miracle that you’re going to sleep right, and that’s not under control. You really don’t have to expect a child with 14 years when it was tortured for years.

That you still have guilt shows that you are a good person. Because you don’t want to hurt anyone like that. But you don’t have to worry about it, I find it completely understandable that you reacted that way. You don’t have any more contact, let it stay with you, and don’t try to keep heart, even if it’s hard. In any case, your mother’s fault is here alone, not you.

1 year ago

Hello, your mother had no right to beat or kick you.
It was justified that you have defended you – but please not so violent!

Breaking nose and knife stitches are clearly too much.
This has nothing to do with defense and self-protection…

So think about what the situation is Approval is.

1 year ago

then I knocked her back right I broke her nose and also punched with a kitchen knife 2 times now I am 21 years still thinking about it almost daily

have you been seeing?

Your situation is quite understandable. So you’ll just fight. Nevertheless, I think that what has happened after the nasenbruch was quite too much of the good.

That’s still your mother, the woman wore you nine months in the stomach, etc.

That’s a stupid excuse. That sounds like being a mother that gives the right to beat his children and that’s bullshit.

Yes Since then we have no more contact

is probably the most sensible. Otherwise the broken relationship would have gone further. And it would have hurt you more.

It makes sense to see if you may. in therapy to work there. It is not just about the concrete case of this, but rather the years of abuse you had to endure.

Even though it was certainly not ok. From my eyes, your mum only harvested what she saw.

1 year ago

“okay” it is not in my eyes now it is a kind of self-defense.

when I was a kid, I was beaten up with my mother because she was angry I didn’t clean my room.

By now, she beat me the last time at 16 when I hit back and she noticed that she is no longer superior to me physically, but I am stronger.

Therefore, I find myself going back to “okay” when talking does not help to just make her realize that she is no longer the stronger

1 year ago

You feel bad, and that’s not surprising. If you felt mistreated by your mother, you could have turned to the youth office or the police. And if you have resigned to fight you, you might still be able to understand it in a certain way if you were not so violent! Serious injuries, and even a knife attack on the mother, no, that wasn’t okay at all!

1 year ago

“ok” is not quite the right word I find

I find it more understandable!

But not the tricks! This could have ended quickly deadly and goes for me about emergency

And that’s what the name “Mother” definitely doesn’t deserve! Therefore, it would be completely indifferent

1 year ago
Reply to  Sonderschuler

All “good”, I don’t judge you there – so you don’t have to defend yourself.

What is important is that you are in pure with DIR or it will be!
I don’t think you’d hurt a couple of sessions with a therapist for victims of violence – FOR YOU!

1 year ago

I’m okay.

Of course, no one should stab but deep-seated trauma drive a sometimes too bad things and violence in childhood is just poison for the development of a human being.

I’m not saying that the right thing is, but I’m not saying that a mother who hits her child and has earned a better one.

1 year ago

Your reaction was exaggerated, but of course your behaviour is not

1 year ago

Violence is never okay. If you’re fighting, it’s sometimes an emergency. However, the necessary measure must be taken into account.

If the knife still needs to get out of the kitchen to stab your mother, then this is probably not a rifle.

This would then have to be clarified in the individual case, to what extent the necessity was still given.

1 year ago

Emergency! But the knife is far too far.

1 year ago

As part of a defense against a person who has beaten you, the defense is legitimate.

Sting with the knife but not.

1 year ago

What your mother did was absolutely wrong.

You should have been looking for help with the youth office. That would have been the better way.

Breaking your mother’s nose and piercing her is not a solution to the problem. You’re making things worse.

1 year ago

Children who are beaten, sooner or later they fight. But what happened to you is very violent!

1 year ago

On them I find too much

Otherwise I can understand you completely

1 year ago

Violence is never okay.

1 year ago

Breaking nose and piercing with knives is not at all.