Ist es ok so viel Geld auszugeben?
Ich habe einen sehr schlechten Umgang mit Geld.
Ich habe zwar nicht wenig Geld trotzdem gebe ich immer etwas sehe was mich anspricht kaufe ich es egal wie viel es kostet.
Und dann wundere ich mich wie mein Geld so schnell weg ist?
(mein Taschengeld beträgt 25 €)
Hat jemand Hilfen ideen wie ich das unter Kontrolle kriege?
depends on whether you get the pocket money weekly or monthly?
if weekly : 25/7 = means you can spend 3.5€ every day, all you haven’t spent on a day will put you to the side.
If you’ve saved a higher amount, I’ll take $50 as an example (double your weekly revenue) then there are several ways to limit yourself and still save would be known for example:
1) from the saved 2/3 somewhere or deposit where you have no direct access to it and use the remaining third as a buffer for unexpected spending. The process is always repeated.
2) The known possibility to divide it into various envelopes,
For example clothing, games, food, etc.
and then divide and divide the saved amount by the envelopes and create a saving envelope and then deposit it weekly. Of course, this method does not require discipline to attack the money of the other envelopes, but the whole work has no meaning.
It’s not easy to deal with money. If you have a sum, you should consider how long I have to deal with it. And, of course, you have to think about it every time: I really need it or I can do without it. It is best to learn to deal with money when you have to earn it yourself.
1 night sleep over
Not helpful
This means you’re not supposed to buy it right away, you’re going to sleep over it for a night. So think if you really need that. If you say after 24 hours, yes, I need that, then buy and live with the consequences that the money is gone.
If you don’t want to change your thing
Helps but really