Ist es normal so lange zu schlafen?
Hallo zusammen, vielleicht gibt es hier ja Leute mit ähnlichem Problem.
Ich bin weiblich Mitte 20. Wenn ich ausschlafe dann Schlafe ich meist 11-12 Stunden. Dazu ist zu sagen das ich schon seit Jahren nicht mehr durchschlafen kann, ich werde 2x pro Nacht wach. Gehe dann auf die Toilette, esse meistens eine Kleinigkeit weil ich Hunger auf süßes habe. Es ist schon sehr belastend, ich gehe wirklich schon früh ins Bett, aber ich möchte nicht das mein Leben nur aus schlafen und arbeiten besteht. Wenn ich nur 8 Stunden schlafen kann, bin ich morgens sehr am kämpfen damit ich aufstehen kann. Hat das jemand von euch auch? Hat jemand etwas das geholfen hat die Schlafzeit zu reduzieren und trotzdem fit zu sein? LG
Stand up at night to eat sweet sounds not only physically unhealthy but also mentally unhealthy. I think there’s something wrong with your diet. Perhaps your body even suffers from lack of vitamins (can explain the appetite for sweetness) and high blood pressure – which usually leads to poor sleep or more sleep because you just haven’t slept deep enough before that.
it is not normal to sleep so long and then so restless, the symtomes listen very much to diabetes, make a complete check with the doctor
Thank you, very helpful. Yes, this craving on sweet at night. Sometimes I run like a zombie to the toilet, really finished with the world 🤣. I’m going to borrow a blood sugar device today and test tonight 🥴
it would interest me now what the test showed
ok, this is already good that it is not, but there must be a reason for it to reduce stress, take more time for yourself, a sleep ritual should also help, how does your vitamin balance look, vitamin B12-iron magnesium deficiency causes many physical problems, I wish you all good
It seems to be all in the normal range. I had about last night. 2 hours ate a pizza, go before bed and then had a blood sugar of 94 (tested before sleep). At the first wake up at 0 o’clock, the measuring device 155 had shown. At 3. I woke up again and then had 142. All right. Then it’s probably something else. Maybe I just have too much stress, I work at the tax office, and of course I have stress situations…I’m going to do further research so that I can finally sleep through again. Melatonin I’ve always been sleeping before and it doesn’t really help.
Try to eat you properly in the evening and if your urge for sweetness, then to rest during the day.
eating too much in the evening is also not good, it is too hard in the stomach and therefore cannot sleep properly
Nothing sweet at night. Better a little light, n yogurt or something.
Reason: Industrial sugar (pauschal: Simple sugar) goes quickly into the blood and that also stimulates the mind.
But I think this is more common in your age.
Vllt helps a Power Nap after lunch (but not more than an hour)
I think a Power Nap after lunch would not be helpful. If you’re employed and you’re asleep on the office chair and the boss notices it, it can go bad. If you eat early enough, you won’t get tired in the afternoon if you eat too late for lunch, you could go through 3 hours in the afternoon.
I’ve been similar lately. You might want to go to a sleep lab to check if you may have a lot of breathing rafters in your sleep.
I’d let you examine, you could have diabetes.