Ist es normal nicht erfolgreich zu sein wollen?

Ein erfolgreicher Mensch muss immer arbeiten und schuften, ein erfolgreicher Mensch, muss die ganze Zeit Angst haben, dass er wieder alles verliert.

Ein erfolgreicher Mensch wird viele Hater haben.

Ein erfolgreicher Mensch hat wenig Freizeit. Wenig privat Leben.

Wieso sollte man das also freiwillig sein wollen?

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3 months ago

A successful person must always work and create


However, if you raise it correctly, this is a temporary state and the work becomes gradually less and the cash flow more, if, as I already wrote, you do it right.

a successful person, must be afraid all the time that he loses everything.

Fear is the path to the dark side and reaching success absolutely not tolerable. Those who are guided by fear of failure will eventually fail, as they begin to work consciously or subconsciously on failure.

A successful person will have many haters.

Come on, but I don’t care, I give you worse. As long as you have 2-3 people to whom you are absolutely familiar, this is completely sufficient. It is also not a pity not to hang your own success on the too big bell.

A successful person has little spare time. Little private life.

I meanwhile have almost 24/7/365 private life? What it cost me: 9 years 60+ hours a week, no holiday hardly any leisure time. Only 9 years…

So why would you want to be voluntary?

Talking to me:

Because I found 9 years full gas and then chill better than 40 years, 40 hours for 40% pension.

Today I am 40 and I never have to work in my life again, if I don’t want, was by the way about. 10 years in the case, only until 3 years ago I still had pleasure.

Every person is different but for me, a worker’s life did not come into question, that was clear to me during training.

3 months ago
Reply to  NoLifeNoWife

Who wants to find a way, who doesn’t want a reason.

It’s always like that.

Working hard does not necessarily mean working physically.

You can sit in a wheelchair and still be smart and brave and possibly successful as an entrepreneur.

Jammern and Trübsal blow or drown in self-pity, because one in Germany is so bad, it is not really helpful.

There are always external influences that you can’t change but they rarely make more than 20% of the overall situation.

3 months ago

Diagnosis and therapy

That’s the crisp point….no doctor has diagnosed him with the cancer he’s supposed to have since yesterday, nor will it happen.

Don’t feed the Troll!!!!!

3 months ago

To achieve “high” results…

3 months ago

The question was answered to you, at least why I I put this one.

No one can answer you here. However, you seem to be stuck in your view and I have no interest in spending my spare time talking about you, because I will not convince you anyway.

Then it’s just that, that’s okay, but not my problem. =)

3 months ago

If you have cancer, you have other worries, right?

Even then, jammering helps little.

You can put yourself in diagnosis and therapy or say you give up and wait for the end. Both legitimate.

3 months ago

The parabola of satisfied fishermen.

In a small Mediterranean harbour there is a poorly dressed fisherman in his boat and soaks. There comes a well-dressed tourist, making a few photos, giving the man a cigarette and beginning a conversation. The tourist asks the fishermen how many fish he caught today. Not too many, the fisherman answers. But he is satisfied with his catch.

The tourist enthusiasticly tells him what the fishermen could not achieve if they went out to the sea again, catch more fish and earn more. He could make careers, buy money a second fishing boat, hire other fishermen and earn more money. In the end, he would become so rich that he could rest comfortably in the harbour.

Then the fisherman smiling: “I can do that now too.”

3 months ago

As a lazy person looking for excuses every day for this and that is normal, yes.

3 months ago
Reply to  NoLifeNoWife

Because you have claims for yourself. And want to lead a beautiful life.

There are people who want to develop.

You didn’t, you proved several times.

3 months ago

He’s been diagnosed with cancer right now, because he’s hard to train for two months.

And a week ago, he still sits too sick for sports… there was still heart and lung

Troll just

3 months ago

Yes, and now you fall into self-pity and whistle us here daily:(

2 months ago

A successful person must always work

and a very successful person lets others work for themselves

3 months ago

It is absolutely right not to want to be successful! Like you!

But every successful person has more quality of life than you!

Find the error! 🙋🏻 ♂️

3 months ago
Reply to  NoLifeNoWife

So let’s assume that from the 8 billion people in the world, 2 billion people would be successful.

And you know about all these people the medical records to put such a plump allegation as a fact?! 🤔

3 months ago

Yes, it goes to the end! 💁🏻 ♂️

3 months ago

The alleged “chronic pain” is this time until the throat that he has been having since yesterday….which means of course: Cancer

3 months ago

No problem.

Others have will and ambition!

You accept her and her! 💁🏻 ♂️

3 months ago

Yeah, that would fit you!

Only do not get the reality in mind and prefer to stay the quaken duck in the pond!

3 months ago


Quak quak quak!

3 months ago

Success is if you get what you want.

3 months ago
Reply to  NoLifeNoWife

Statement of people who are not successful.

3 months ago

This is not a successful person you describe.