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But now I only have to look at them alone.
before my children were born I had never really been afraid but since my oldest daughter I was really bad but also because she walks in the night you get even more panic 😱 so with me anyway 😂 since that I don’t watch horror movies anymore where kids are in or just no longer evening when I’m not alone
I would say yes, before all-ending, since you cannot orient yourself so well in the night or in the dark, you are more focused, I would say.
mfg Timo
Yes is. At night, most people become more fearful or horrific, especially whom one has and so feared in the dark
I don’t know
go out in the dark, etc but horrorfilme haun
I feel uncomfortable
Yeah, but that’s trzd normal,when you generally don’t get very clear during the day, that’s almost no one itches
Yeah, I’ve got depression three degrees I don’t have any strength. I almost never sleep, I go Trzd every day to school 3 times 9 hours 2 times 6 Dan still out mine family just clearly loves my parents as a person but the kind of ones is so unreasonable.I will be schizophrenic and my ex is the same friends group and the same school (parallel class) so she stands next to me every day as she is happy.
Music is the only thing that awaits me right now before the psychic zsm break
I’m just a junkie with me are a lot too many things and pep have been Dan a few days woke + amokrun and symenhaze the make horrorcore music white and whether that tells you what but the make pretty fucked music
I can’t go right now to one even if I want it I wouldn’t talk about my problems because otherwise I would break completely csm and after 5 years with Smg I don’t trust myself that I am or other
whether it’s worse host I’ve always tried to see the good in the world, but now my pain has become hate with the drugs csm and the music I’m listening to right now
but with 1 person I’m talking a bit at the moment but that’s itself sm at risk of that because it doesn’t have much time
Have you shown my farewell letter she also knew that I hated myself and never really loved in my life and has always been abandoned it is also not the fact that she has finished but that she has 1 already had a new friend and I put it out that she has never really loved me.
that sounds bad with the wrong friends, did they do something bad?
you can talk to jemqnden out of me or you have people you’re still familiar with
I have only one hand full or so, but you don’t need so many. Trust you have to work out because you experience a lot..
and digger me helps music or even hobbys to give me meaning and distract me also from everything bad on the world.
you can also try music if you don’t do it yet
borrower hearing etc there is so much too horny always find what new and is ne own, other world.
or you make them so music
were you with a doctor bro?
it seemed to be worse that makes me worry
oh shit this is ecvt fierce everything
and how long have you been with your ex
my ex I also loved and told her a lot and she promised me a lot, etc.
aver at the end, she laid me deep and everything was broken with you or what did she do?
had no girlfriend and you
but badly it happens to you so young I thought you were much older
I’m even too early that this was with my ex, and I’d rather not have experienced it all but in the young years and with me was in the 20s…
and it is enough for me to be broken forever, at least inside in heart
better would be
yes false friends my ex completely destroyed me she was the first person I talked to about my problems it was just a lot happened.
eig not but do not know me well with alcohol that comes from other drugs Speed,extc,Thc and some other stuff Dan last had some psychoses yes have started to catch tuning meanwhile they have become so bad that they should tell me to kill people 🔪,who kill themselves,or one that whispers into my ear I cut your head off generally so fucked things.This has made sure that my entire mentality has changed but I can also deal with the right things so I am not completely stable in psych
14 Believe me or I don’t care
How do you mean
Hear badly:(
and I take it now “only” alcohol
can that result?
how old are you?
depression,drugs,verat, ill psyche
and when did it stop and you know why?
In some people, I don’t know you now, but that’s what happened to me earlier, and with you it sounds very funny as with me earlier.
so that you are very sensitive and sensitive?
and I am also afraid of the people in horor films, and that’s why I’m very afraid?
Yes the hot eif only that you can put yourself well into the situation or into the situation of other people
in horror films such feelings are particularly fearful and panic is dying and at night everything is more creepy
keep movies also fast for real real etc and it’s pretty close to me that can also be normal
I feel extreme in the movie pure and all that
Same. War such panic in the dark.