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It is perfectly normal that one wants nothing to do with some (comic) anymore.
In the past, one has simply lost sight and instead found new friends in study, training, sports club or even a new city. Most of the time they only had contact with very good friends.
In times of cell phones and social media, however, this is significantly lighter and therefore probably different.
She’s in the sand. You start a new life and meet new friends. The same happens to your other friends.
Loose friendships can remain. Satt every weekend you only meet 1-2 times a year. But the few times are still beautiful.
mostly there are no friendships but acquaintances that have to be terminated and should
Actively ending rather inappropriate. Often the friendships run when you don’t see each other every day.
But there are always friendships that survive the school age.
My experience: yes. Often you simply live apart after school, because you don’t see each other every day and you can also take a different direction.
You will surely get to know new people again in your studies/training etc. 😊
It’s different.
With us the school has been over for 4 years and my closest friends are still the same.
If you are valued as friends and continue to meet regularly, then friendship will also be preserved.
depends on what you and the other person are willing to invest.
If only one person or no person takes care of the friendship, the friendship automatically breaks down.
Take care of friendship and care for it, then friendship can last forever.
Imagine symbolically a plant. One person is the water, the other person the light. If one of both or both fails, the plant dies. If you give both to the plant, it will survive and continue to grow.
To my youth, I had long contact with my friends. Have also seen regularly in the fire department and on weekends. If you understand well, you don’t have to end friendships.
No, it’s not, but humanity seems like that. Friendship is no longer what it was.
LG Finn
This is normal, sometimes you have to get rid of (toxic) friends and live his life
It’s often like that, so normal. It’s not good.
Yeah, it’s normal and happens at many.
Normal, I don’t know, but I didn’t know. They were just school friends.
Yeah, it’s normal. Everyone goes his own way and if you still have contact with his schoolmates is questionable
Finishing is active for me.
Often you lose yourself and there will be less contact, because you get to know new people, move around etc…
But to actively end a friendship after school is not normal.
Yes and no so it was with me
Connecting interests Friends
You can’t be friends with so many, I just had some friendships from school
I lost my only friend after school
You can still stay friends
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