Ist es normal deswegen sterben zu wollen?
Weil ich heute nicht aufs Slipknot Konzert gehen konnte und jetzt den ganzen tag weine
Kann ich morgen mich von Schule entschuldigen um mit dieser Trauer klarzukommen
Weil ich heute nicht aufs Slipknot Konzert gehen konnte und jetzt den ganzen tag weine
Kann ich morgen mich von Schule entschuldigen um mit dieser Trauer klarzukommen
Hey Leute^^ich möchte unbedingt mit dem Gitarre spielen anfangen. Ich habe mich auch schon ein bisschen informiert und würde mir gerne eine westerngitarre zulegen, allerdings weiß ich nicht so recht wie viel die erste Gitarre kosten sollte und welche gut von der soundquali sind aber dennoch nicht allzu teuer. Wenn ihr mehr zu dem Thema…
wie weit ist der Weg vom Parkplatz zum Camping Gelände?
hey, ich mache in den ferien iwie jeden tag dasselbe: handy, lesen oder mit meinem hund gassi gehen. ab und zu was mit freunden . langsam wird es langweilig habt ihr ideen was man sonst so machen kann ?
Hört euch auf jeden Fall die ersten 45 sek an bevor ihr antwortet!! :))
Hi Leute, ich habe dieses Lied bzw. den Künstler damals durch meinen Vater kennengelernt…nun habe ich per Zufall seinen Song vor ca.3h vorgeschlagen bekommen und kann nun nicht mehr aufhören dieses Lied zu hören.Es ist wie eine Sucht.Dabei ist dies nicht mein Musikstyle…BITTE HILFT MIR JEMAND
The first time you’re a Maggot, welcome to the family. I was almost the same when Slipknot played in Stuttgart, also because of Corey’s birthday, but I still have the advantage to see Slipknot at Rock im Park.
I’m sure you’ll make it a concert at some point.
To get back to your question, No it is not normal to want to die, but it is very understandable if you feel bad about it
Life is not a Ponnyhof; No one has such a bullshit understanding; finally come in the right life.
Do you really know what a real deal… many people need to get clear? And you’re here with your pie business, just because you couldn’t or could not have a concert?
I recommend you sort the priorities…
if you don’t understand the joke
Yeah, well, it doesn’t sound like Joke 🤷 ♂️
it is not just the reason
If you wanted something, you feel completely down and if you want to stay home, do that. It’s just a day, and if you don’t have anything important like a job, you’re right.
but you could not learn?
I had to write 2 work this half year and was not a problem. But it depends on the subject. You have to look. I’m sure you’re going.
You’ll have to go through much worse. That’s life.
Slipknot is a really good band, but the world is not under. In my opinion, Joey Jordison is missing something.
You’ll be able to see a lot of concerts in your life. Maybe a slipknot concert with a better cast.
Even if it’s for you now, it’s not a world downfall, no matter how much you deceive the band.
no it is not, you will still have to deal with much greater mourning in your life
It is currently the worst moment in your life (surely still short).
But consider the following:
If you are no longer among the living, you will never have the opportunity to see this group live. How You Link this performance was not her last.
Therefore, I would already talk to my parents to what extent a later appearance might come into question.
No, it’s not. You’re probably not even that old.
oha but I am 16 huh ja i know I am here as 13 years old pahaha
Oh, you came out of your mother’s body and were immediately Slipknot fan?
I didn’t have to. Find people with whom you can discuss
As I said, I do not see any understanding with you
You still have nothing to command
Then show that and don’t do that
I understand better than you two together, don’t worry 😉
I didn’t say what it was doing, I agree with you on this point, but still you shouldn’t write with her like that if you don’t understand
It doesn’t change anything that you can relate to everything and everyone. Are you 12 that you don’t understand?
But in her case it’s slipknot
No, I’m not. This is nonsense, because you can transfer it to any artist, not just to slipknot.
You just confirm my statement
Ahja😂😂 what a bullshit
For that you should love Slipknot about everything
You can’t understand
Then explain.
You don’t understand
I’m not much older, but that’s really exaggerated
Oh, yeah.
16 year old girls in their Schwarr phase. ☺️😄
Oh, God.
Yes Of course Slipknot is mine I am Slipknot ICH BIN ES