ist es normal dass mit alkohol man irgendwie voel selbstbewusster is also angetrunken man deutlich anders handelt und sich mehr traut und weniger denkt..?
.. als wenn man nüchtern wäre?
.. als wenn man nüchtern wäre?
Ich erzähle kurz. Vielleicht versteht mich jemand. Ich wurde am 27.sept.2024 an Analfissur operiert. Ergebnis was entnommen wurde war ok. Seit der ophabe ich ständiger Ausfluss mit Eiter. Laut der Ärztin die mich operiert hat wer das normal. War auch beim Hausarzt wer normal. Am 02.12 .2024 fühlte ich mich Abends so sehr schlecht im…
Hallo,☺️ Ich habe gesundheitlich (HNO) einen etwas schwierigen Fall, ich war bei über 9 HNO Ärzten und keiner kann (unter anderem will sich die Zeit nehmen um) mir zu helfen. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit telefonisch oder per Chat, die Information zu geben, quasi eine Ferndiagnose. Wo sich die Ärzte erstmal einen Blick verschaffen können, ob…
Was passiert mit dem Körper wenn man hochkonzentrierte Schwefelsäure trinkt?
With a healthy self-confidence, it has nothing in common…
You write it yourself… “…and less thinks / without thinking big”
A self-confident person thinks and decides without having to alcoholize himself from it.
So I would interpret it… 🤔
no I would say the inhibition threshold drops and everything becomes easier
but also not controlled od calculable everything can fit
The lowering of inhibitory thresholds is not a sign of self-confidence, but the beginning of an alcoholization. 😉
Exactly! This has nothing to do with a more self-confident action, but with increasing control loss.
Nobody denies that. It is the influence and mode of action of alcohol.
It starts unnoticed and can end up in a complete control loss.
Self-confident people do not need alcohol for that.
The most dangerous phase is actually that at the beginning. You think you’ve got everything under control. Those who then sit behind the wheel and get into a situation where rapid action is required can often no longer react.
but you may feel confident or loose and free
and psychology is now very subjective and also very genuine as well as effects of drug for the person are real
Yeah, that’s what you call courage. Makes simple and usually leads to own damage. For self-examination. Stupid. Just stupid.
in my case was just beautiful
because the brain is not fully functional.
So hands off the alcohol
LG Inconvertible
in that case it was beautiful.
Yeah, that’s how most people might need a little suggestion to get out of themselves. This feeling also results in accidents in traffic, for example, because you think you have everything under control, but it does not. So still keep short and think well about what you do or say.
that is not more self-confident, but the inhibition threshold is lower.
but have done something beautiful for me
but can it be that you can estimate cold and warm less well?
and feel rather cold od warm though it is different?
That’s it.
you’ll get it if you think about it.
is it dangerous?
you found out why so many children are born in the suff.
you are the typical candidate for fast entering alcohol dependence.
and even if
my life keeps it good ( inherited)
but above all, I find it bad if you judge people you don’t even know about and I can’t stand that way.
therefore among others are animals and the nature is also more beautiful than men