Is it normal to be able to move your lower jaw forward and backward?
So that the incisors are sometimes on top of each other and sometimes behind each other.
So that the incisors are sometimes on top of each other and sometimes behind each other.
Has anyone had any experience with this, or can anyone comment on it? I have the same problem on my size 46, without significant bone loss, but it's at grade 2 loosening. The discomfort is limited. I'm supposed to come back several times now, have a rinse with H2O2 and then dontisolone. I'm somewhat skeptical…
I'm 13 years old and have very crooked teeth…I don't have the money for braces…are there any alternatives? I'd like to have nice, straight teeth… 🙁
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Hello ImKostuem,
The jaw joint is very flexible.
Good luck!
Thank you.
So I can also do it to a limited extent.
Thank you
Yeah, that’s normal.