Ist es normal, dass ich für meine Mutter ersetzbar bin?

Letztes bin ich zu spät nach einer Party nach Hause gekommen und meine Mutter war verständlicherweise sehr wütend und hat sich Sorgen gemacht. Sie hat mich (w17) sehr lange geschimpft etc., aber dann hat sie gesagt: “Wenn dir was passieren sollte, wäre es nicht so schlimm für mich, denn ich habe zwei Kinder, du bist nicht meine einzige Chance, aber dein Leben ist deine einzige Chance. Ich werde darüber hinwegkommen und mein Leben weiterleben, wenn dir was passieren sollte.”

Das hat so ziemlich meinen schlimmsten Verdacht bestätigt, dass sie mich nur liebt, weil sie muss. Das hat sie auch in den letzten Jahren eigentlich schon mehrmals gesagt.

Habe ich mich zu wichtig genommen, zu denken, ich wäre “unersetzbar”?

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6 months ago

Not you did something bad, but she did. What kind of ideas do parents have? Seriously, that during their youth, children never get away from the control of their parents or just come too late? That’s normal.

And you’re 17. In a year, you can be juridically out of it whenever you want.

“She has been vaccinating me (w17) very long etc., “

Needless and doof.

“But then she said, “If anything should happen to you, it wouldn’t be so bad for me, because I have two children, you’re not my only chance, but your life is your only chance. I’ll get over it and live on my life if something should happen to you.”

Monster and stupid. So you’re a chance for your mother? Children are the chances of their parents?

“This has confirmed my worst suspicion that she only loves me because she has to. She has said that several times in recent years.

Did I take too important to think I was “unreplaceable”?

You are irreplaceable as any person. Show her that.

even if you are no longer a child. What she said requires an apology.

What else is your relationship? So she said something more often? Ever been strict, hard, unloved, or otherwise?

6 months ago

She will have said that after the dispute in affection and emotional state of emergency. Then everyone sometimes says things that would be unthinkable in the clear head and often do not vote in such a way. If you don’t care about her and she sees you as a terrible thing, she wouldn’t have been so worried.

6 months ago

Your mother looks sober. She loved you, or she wouldn’t have kept you a stand. But it is also experienced enough to know that life continues. Come on.

6 months ago

Why is she so angry when you don’t care about her? I’d say she’s exaggerating and telling false things.

6 months ago

Your life is your only chance.

That’s her key statement.

Too bad you didn’t understand her.

6 months ago

I think she wanted to scare you a bit, and the comparison is ugly. You should talk to her again so that there is no misunderstanding

6 months ago

She’s right.

She’ll mourn, but she’ll still have to hold through, that’s the reality.

6 months ago
Reply to  clara702

It’s really good for you. Look how much you’re thinking. So let you know the seriousness of the situation. Don’t taste, but before you go around so easily, you’ve now got a mental shot.

6 months ago

You’re not replaceable, but it must be clear: Your mother has another child and from the point of view of a mother, she could still orient herself to her. You have only one life, and I think your mother wanted to express it.

So you are not replaceable, but one of two siblings for which it is worth living!