Ist es normal, dass Eltern ihren Kindern sagen, dass sie dort und dort anrufen sollen und das abklären sollen?

Logisch ist ja, dass man seinen Eltern helfen soll, aber wo hören da die Grenzen auf? Gerade bei ausländischen Familien fällt mir auf, dass die Eltern permanent die Kinder auffordern irgendwelche Briefe zu beantworten, bei Behörden anrufen etc.

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1 year ago

There is no limit as long as the child does not suffer from it. If, for whatever reason, parents have to live in a foreign country and for whatever reason they cannot call the authorities themselves, then of course the children help the parents.

1 year ago

What is the problem of helping parents a little bit? They’ve been looking after you since your birth and took care of you, but it’s not a crime to make a call or write a letter.

In families where parents don’t speak German so well, it doesn’t mean that they are lazy. Ever heard that many adults have learned more problems in languages than children or have no time for work, etc.?
They then ask their children to write the one or the other letter so that it is not wrong and a misunderstanding arises with the authority, etc. (I don’t say nobody is lazy, I just want to make it clear that there are other reasons.)

In addition, many kids see too little responsibility – it doesn’t hurt to take over. After all, they have to do everything themselves at some point and are then on their own. A little exercise never hurts.

1 year ago

Life is giving and taking. If the children are old enough, they can bend around their own affairs (letter, authority, arufe)

And it does not break the children out of the crown if they help the parents who are not so powerful to the German language that it is enough for an authority call or letter.

1 year ago
Reply to  kugel

I often helped my father write any letters to authorities. But he was quite old, and I was grown up and had children himself long ago. I also found it quite right to help him because he was really unhappy. My mother didn’t live anymore – she always did this…
But if it is about the children who are really still children, and the parents just didn’t learn the language, then something else is wrong. Then the parents should really stand for their responsibility for themselves and also the children.

1 year ago
Reply to  anjanni

Right. We don’t know what age the FS now means.

1 year ago

If I were the child, I would say, “Let finally learn German!” But often the children are still minor and would not dare…

Yes, unfortunately, this is also a reality. And unfortunately still. I’ve even heard that the kids had to do their parents in school… (As a teacher, I wouldn’t have done that…)

I cannot understand the parents who do not realize that this is a burden for the children above all.

1 year ago
Reply to  anjanni

I am a child who had to do this and it was never a problem for me, I like to help my parents since I love them, after all they come to a parental conversation only for me and for them it is not nice to be dependent on their children.

adult have much harder to learn a new language than children, especially since they usually work in full time and then take care of the children later

learning the language is a thing, but the language can be learned so that you can write letters of authority is another thing that can even fall German hard.

I just want to show that it does not necessarily have to do with laziness or “too much responsibility for a child”.

there are also such cases, but so the children and youth also learn to take responsibility.

1 year ago
Reply to  vkclee

I’m sure you’re right in many points. The parents from the so-called “guest worker generation” had hardly any relation to language learning. But this is something you have to make clear before emigration. But if a teenager with so-called migration background tells me that his mother has been living in Germany for 20 years and still cannot get German, I don’t understand.

1 year ago

There’s a clear Jein from me. So your example, no, I don’t think it’s okay. After all, adults are supposed to take care of adult stuff and children are supposed to play their stuff (preferably). When parents do not know the language, they should learn or help themselves from other adults.

However, if children are to call somewhere to learn to make phone calls, I find it all right. My mother left me, for example, from 9 years onwards, my appointments with the doctor or hairdresser or something. That was good.

1 year ago
Reply to  Monschi79

I can understand very well.

1 year ago

I generally find the kids learn something. But, of course, shouldn’t be overhanded.

1 year ago

If the parents do not have such good knowledge of German or hardly speak German, it is not common for their children to help their parents. Just because the parents are presumably poor and the children are fortunately better educated than the parents, I can understand that the children take responsibility. Finally, the children should grow up slowly and so one has the advantage as a child that one does not have any worries to do something wrong with an authority.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anson12

So you’re messing up. Not speaking the German language means not being formed. Or can you speak Turkish or Arabic? No? Well, maybe you’re not formed, are you?

1 year ago
Reply to  Monschi79

You should read the question again and understand the content better

Or can you speak Turkish or Arabic? No?

We are in Germany and not in Turkey or elsewhere!

Well, maybe you’re not formed, are you?

When you go to school for a long time in the country, you are usually always educated. Take an example in Africa, how long the children have gone to school and how they live in contrast to us, where we have the chance to make school leaving despite financial difficulties.

Looks like you have no idea what we’re talking about…

1 year ago

So, the parents of most children did not go to school here. Does that mean for you now, they are uneducated. Because they went “only” to school in Turkey.

Then you did not read my answer and the question properly and say that that is the wrong thing I said. I speak of most emigrants and not all foreigners! And you can’t even know how life looks in poor countries. It may also be that adult people have only attended primary school and not as in Germany.

Don’t you stop making any discussion with which you have no idea of culture or misunderstood the contributions…

1 year ago

You didn’t understand what I said. The language is one thing again, but that is not the point in this paper. When children visit German school for a long time, they usually know better than the parents who emigrate in Germany. You cannot compare the cultures between other countries! Imagined uneducated are meant how they behave socially and how they otherwise deal with any documents in Germany and how political people know here. That’s not bullshit or anything you say, but facts. Be glad that the children can go to school with us than all other children from other poor regions, where people do not have enough money for education and are forced to abort the school and work what is illegal with us.

1 year ago

You didn’t understand my answer. You think only because you can speak German and they are a different language that they are not formed. That’s Humbug.

How long do you need to speak a language so that you can do governmental passages. Believe me, I often have native Germans in front of me who are through the authorities jargon.

Needing help is not bad. But using the kids is not OK.

So, the parents of most children did not go to school here. Does that mean for you now, they are uneducated. Because they went “only” to school in Turkey.

Stop running around on drawers.

1 year ago

So this is unfortunately when parents are too lazy to learn German and therefore impose too much responsibility on their children.

Such parents should be ashamed!

1 year ago
Reply to  Munga01

I am a child who had to do this and it was never a problem for me, I like to help my parents since I love them, after all they come to a parental conversation only for me and for them it is not nice to be dependent on their children.

adult people have much harder to learn a new language than children, especially since they usually work in full time and then take care of the children later.

learning the language is a thing, but the language can be learned so that you can write letters of authority is another thing that can even fall German hard.

I just want to show that it does not necessarily have to do with laziness or “too much responsibility for a child”. there are also such cases, but so the children and youth also learn to take responsibility.

1 year ago
Reply to  vkclee

I’m sorry, I have to contradict you. How often did I sit with such a poor worm that tried to understand what I said and then to translate his parents to what he had understood.

And much has just been given wrong because the child could not understand that the words were too heavy.

Children should not take adult role for their parents.

In the meantime, I’m very hard. I don’t accept a child as an interpreter anymore. If a family only comes with a child as an interpreter, I will break and ask an adult to talk.