Ist es normal, dass ein Mädchen die mit 14 extrem dünn war also schlank gutaussehend und nach 2-3 Jahren einen ganz großen Hintern bekam ,schon übergewichtig?

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2 years ago

It is also actually possible to increase and it is actually possible to take off and this does not happen by itself, but it depends on how many calories you take and how many you burn.

Theoretically, you should be able to take so much in 2months, as it does not necessarily take 2years.

2 years ago

I wouldn’t say one of them. If an effect from several things at the same time.

2 years ago

It can also be very good a combination of many factors.

Last but not least, the puberty and possibly the pill are added.

2 years ago

Can be a mix of everything.

Only genetically, I rather exclude, otherwise it would not have been extremely thin.

Your eating behavior has changed. Disease associated with medicines can trigger something like this, whether a mental or other disease.

That’s how she probably ate too much.

2 years ago

It’s called puberty.

2 years ago

almost everyone

2 years ago

What is this for a response selection 🤦 ♂️