Ist es normal das sich der Fahrlehrer 4 Wochen nicht meldet?


Ich hatte vor 4 Wochen meine erste Fahrstunde und seitdem meldet sich der Fahrlehrer nicht mehr. Hab ihn am Montag nochmal geschrieben, wann er wieder Zeit hätte. Bis jetzt keine Rückmeldung. Hattet ihr auch solche Situationen? Würde mich sehr über Antworten freuen 🙏

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4 months ago

This is actually unusual, but it can happen. Maybe the driving instructor is currently sick or something. I would despite the fact that the instructor is responsible for your hours, call the office of the driving school, write an e-mail or personally pass and ask. Otherwise, I would also wait for a week because I can already be – with me the office of the driving school coordinates the dates, but the driving instructor can often be stressed and there news goes for a few weeks.

4 months ago

Then ask the driving school office for new appointments, or the driving instructor does everything alone.

4 months ago
Reply to  Lea9302

Then you should find another driving school as soon as possible. Seriousness doesn’t exude this and only costs your money and time.

4 months ago

3 options

  1. He thinks you don’t like it anymore, so he doesn’t want to bother you.
  2. He forgot you spam to call him or just walk around
  3. You stink or are generally a very unpleasant person with whom nobody wants to work together or what to do.