Ist es normal das mein Bruder sich nicht meldet?


mein Bruder ist seit einem Jahr ausgezogen.
Ich schick ihm immer alle 2 bis 3 Tage eine Nachricht. Oder Frage ob wir was zusammen machen.

Ich merke, von ihm kommt nicht so viel. Also das er zuerst mich kontaktiert. Woran liegt das? Soll ich mal so lange nicht schreiben bis er schreibt?

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1 month ago

I have the same problem with my brother and from experience I can only say that he will not have any interest, otherwise he would also report to you. I always have the need to write or contact him, but this is wasted time, unfortunately. It’s best to invest your time in people who are there for you. I used to have a very close relationship with my brother, so I know how far it does to see if that is no longer the case.

3 months ago

I suppose your brother doesn’t want to be with you at all and do less with you. He’s probably pulled out to be free, otherwise he could have stayed home. I don’t know how old you are, but if he were on his way with you, you might think you were his friend so he can’t find any right one.

That’s how I imagine his restraint and that he doesn’t want to tell you. Because if you send him a message every 2-3 days, it can be very annoying because he also knows exactly what you want.

Maybe you’re making serious thoughts about DEIN behavior and let your brother live as he likes. You’d want the same thing if you’re going to move.

3 months ago


Try to call him
