Ist es normal das ein 12 jähriger sich auf Youtube?
Meine Frage wäre. Ist es normal, dass mein Sohn mit 12jahren sich Videos auf Youtube anschaut wie Pädophilie gejagt werden? Oder muss ich mir sorgen machen um irgendwas?
Meine Frage wäre. Ist es normal, dass mein Sohn mit 12jahren sich Videos auf Youtube anschaut wie Pädophilie gejagt werden? Oder muss ich mir sorgen machen um irgendwas?
mich interessiert, wenn jemand Khk hat ( koronare Herzkrankheit ) und es ihm aufgrund seines Herzen sehr schlecht geht, ob er dann ins künstliche Koma versetzt werden kann ? also sagen wir der Zustand ist halt auch lebensbedrohlich.. oder ab wann setzt man jemand ins künstliche Koma ?
Meine Frage steht eigentlich schon oben Eine gute Freundin von mir hat eine Essstörung und ist deshalb in einer Klinik. Ich werde sie bald besuchen aber leider weiß ich nicht wie ich mich verhalten soll und über was ich mit ihr reden soll. Habt ihr Tipps?
Moin!Ich muss die Schule abbrechen (13. Klasse) aufgrund von Gesundheitlichen Problemen, ich schaffe es nicht in die Schule zu gehen.Meine Frage ist, wenn ich mir jetzt eine Abmeldung hole wie ich mich denn Krankmelde? Bislang steht leider keine Diagnose, aber ich habe eine Schlafstörung – Wahrscheinlich Narkolepsie, die meisten anderen schlafkrankheiten wurden bereits ausgeschlossen also…
Guten Abend zusammen, ich hoffe dass jemand aus dem Fachgebiet zufälligerweise hier ist. dadurch dass ich seit Jahren permanente lymphknoten haben die tastbar sind, wurde im Blut nach möglichen Ursachen gefahndet. der Arzt konnte eine bereits überstandene epstein-Barr-Virus Infektion ausfindig machen. allerdings sind auch viele Antikörper im Blut, was heißt, dass der Erreger noch im…
Ich habe Schnupfen und meine Nase ist total rot von Außen und tut weh ,ist total gereizt und ich habe Creme benutzt aber die brennt total habt ihr vielleicht einen Tipp was ich nehmen sollte ich, benutze halt einmal die Creme von Hipp milk Lotion sensitiv und linola Fett und brennt beides.
for persons who put on the net as they hunt alleged paedophiles, they are self-appointed so-called “Pedo Hunters”.
These “Pedo Hunters” form, it would be their job to go to criminal hunt without having the competence to do so. That’s what they call Self-adjustment, what – at least here in Germany – not without a reason Crime is.
A completely normal and harmless gesture towards a child is already sufficient in most cases to be stamped from these “Pedo Hunters” to the child’s sleeper, and often to have to live a spearhead run. “Pedo Hunters” for their part Criminal, who, at the worst, attempt to stage long-term damage to their victims – usually completely innocent – as “helps”. It may well happen that these types drive their victims to suicide.
If your son looks at something like this and consequently, if necessary, celebrates offenders, that is a reason to worry about you. You should talk to your son.
I admit, I’ve already looked at these videos, just because I can imagine little worse than someone (m) is doing this to a child. And if I think our rule of law is so intact, to ensure justice… I hope that I will never have to ask myself specifically.
But it has something satisfying to see how someone who is clearly classified, captured and punished as a “bad” or “poor”.
Nowadays almost everything is normal. Besides, almost everything is consumed.
And yes, these so-called Pedo-Hunters are very trendy.
I would always clarify, sensitize, stand by, advise and neutral and act objectively logical.
Oh, again the evil “Pädo” word and the trend that any self-proclaimed Pädo hunters who have neither knowledge nor expertise, practice self-adjustment and think to be right. Unfortunately, such people are neither formed nor very intelligent. Most things are also scripted to make money. Also various titles serve only the Clickbait.
I’d explain to the child everything from A-Z. How this is with social media,
how it looks like there are different people.
Unfortunately, the consumption of less intelligent content leads to the fact that mentally weak or even immature people believe everything. With us in the authority we also get an increase, as less educated parents and even unripe children & Teens believe everything, then use the trendy word “Pädo” on every occasion “wrong” or boast about it, to imitate it and that.
Yes, there is something like that in America and you know different formats through the media. Media are always to enjoy with caution.
Legally I do not know that the fact that a person is paedophile,
is a crime. So are people who do not conform to the norm chased only for other tendencies? It’s like in the Middle Ages at witch burning. What’s next? Hunting homosexuals because these other tendencies have? Or chase other people who identify differently and also deviate from the norm/mass?
In this respect it is necessary to distinguish between people who have tendencies (pado, necro, zoophil or homosexual, etc.), and other people who live out something and become a perpetrator.
If you know what kids and teenagers are doing on social media.
I would tell him that such crimes are, and not at all ok, if people were other hunting, which may be “in” at the moment, but nothing desirable, since the beginning of the year, several such groups have been sentenced to several years of imprisonment, I would simply explain to him that one should not be embellishing crimes.
With 12 years of watching such videos, I wouldn’t necessarily call normal. But what is normal in this world? – he should be careful not to “radicalize”.
Maybe that’s my problem that I’m afraid of.
Then you should make the first step with yourself and go to a doctor yourself.
All I had already doubted about me
The best thing would be to talk to him about it.
lg. (The one with the first two answers from me was related to another link that was deleted and then the link is displayed as the deleted link.)
sry the last two answers weren’t for you, I got a wrong link again!
You think that’s wrong.
nThat you with a doctor who knows something about this thing, you have been educated and still want to be treated as a child and that is not good. Neither for your development nor for your social competence. If you’re looking for help yourself with a professional and tell him everything, then this doctor might do something for himself.
What do you mean? Or did I get you wrong?