Ist es normal das die Hormone so stark sind in der Schwagerschaft?
Bin gerade 1 Monat schwanger mit dem zweiten Kind, mein erstes hab ich vor 5 Monate bekommen. Weiß nicht ob das die Hormone sind die mich so komisch fühlen lassen? Kann es garnicht in Worte fassen alles
Every pregnancy is unique and different.
Especially if you’re pregnant so fast in succession, it can be massive and the body hasn’t got a break. Of course, you also feel some things differently or more intense but even with a break, pregnancy can feel just differently than the first.
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
But every pregnancy is different.
Can you go to the doctor on Monday?
Good luck
Hey debk already that it is normal but would otherwise become a doctor who did not get better on Monday LG
Every pregnancy is different.