Ist es normal 2 WLAN zu benutzen?
Hi, ich habe mir vor kurzen eine FRITZ!Box FON WLAN zugelegt und auch mit einen HSPA SURFSTICK in das Mobilfunknetz eingebunden, auch Telefone installiert usw.
habe aber auch zusätzlich eine FRITZ!Box als Haupt wlan und die FON WLAN nur für die Telefone
Es geht um eine moralische Frage ob man 2 haben sollte
Seen from the principle of pure VoIP phones, the separation is quite sensible, since telephony cannot be impeded by the traffic of the other terminals in the local network.
Only if you don’t use VoIP phones, but DECT devices, the phone WiFi is completely useless as it is not used.
@Xandros0506, I use the Fon Wi-Fi only for calling and not surfing
And what phones?
this is again a classic case that the FS cannot distinguish WLAN and internet access…
I only dect and telephone for internet access I have another router
OK….. And then what is the question of whether it is normal to use 2 WLAN networks if you only use one and run a second for nuts?
I know I use wlan in fon wlan not only the DECT and phone function
Do… be right to me. Only the Wi-Fi of Fon WLAN is not necessary for DECT because DECT is no WLAN and WLAN is not DECT.
I phone with the Fon WLAN with DECT devices and connected devices (mobile parts) with a surstick the other WLAN is only for the internet as a house wlan as FRITZ!Box LTE ROUTER
You got two sim cards?
Two answers that contradict each other.
You want to use Fon Wi-Fi to phone, but then use DECT phones. DECT is no WLAN and runs on other frequencies. The WLAN is thus completely superfluous.
NO LTE FRITZ!Box only with a surfim card without phone
And the other BOX hangs on a fixed line?
I telephone with DECT TELEFONEN and cordless phones in the mobile network using stick via the Fon WLAN but as Wlan I don’t use it
Frankly, I think this is a waste of money, electricity and resources.
With “Moral”, it has absolutely nothing to do.
makes no sense for me, but everyone must know for themselves
OR I have to think that I have two WLAN frequency bands running on a SSID and another guest Wi-Fi for just such…!?
So according to your explanations, it sounds like a bad setup.