Ist es nicht so, dass verlassene Schwimmbäder so richtig unheimliche lost places sind?
was findet ihr?
psychiatrien sind noch heftiger aber schwimmbäder auch schon ziemlich unheimlich oder
was findet ihr?
psychiatrien sind noch heftiger aber schwimmbäder auch schon ziemlich unheimlich oder
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Hallo, was trägt ihr lieber im Schwimmbad Bikini oder Badeanzug und was tragen eigentlich Cross dresser an Bade Bekleidung. Trage im Schwimmbad ab und zu einen Badeanzug als Cross dresser. Was halten Frauen davon, wenn man einen Badeanzug als CD trägt oder ein Badekleid, die ja aktuell zur Zeit in sind. Bitte um höfliche Antworten,,…
Das Wasser hat 18 Grad Wassertemperatur und draußen sind es 25 Grad
heyy habt ihr Ideen wie ich die Bodenarbeit mit meiner Reitbeteiligung abwechslungsreich gestalten kann? was macht ihr so, wenn ihr Bodenarbeit macht? 🙂
Wie fühlt sich ein Neoprenanzug an? Ich hatte noch nie einen an und möchte es mal probieren…
So especially if you don’t visit a Lost Place alone, it’s little or not so creepy, for me, it’s the stories to do… Whether true or not a story gives a Lost Place only this “insecret aura”.
If I were to visit an abandoned swimming pool in the night, I wouldn’t have known anything about it, even if I were alone there as good as no fear… I would have known a story about it at least once I had respect. Darkness or sounds aren’t enough to trigger fear, especially if I’m not alone…
I think it can be very creepy too, and alone I have not dared to lose places
but also get too zweut panik.
depends very much on where exactly you are and what happens when what happens. But so far, in my adventurous time, I hadn’t had such an experience that panicked me.
in the case of creepy noises and offshoots, it can become two very scary and you will panic
Basically, you talk. They’re not really creepy.
In a psychiatry, by far, not all are any super dangerous murderers, crazy or the like. In most cases, it is simply people who have mental problems also a trauma. Quite as extreme as in horror films it is not in reality
Swimming pools and factories are all clear, but when I’m still living in the countryside, there was a farm… I’m still running cold down my back.
Why? What was going on?
there was simply creepy between the old machines or in the bite collapsed stall
Yes, really cool😅
Okay, cool
I grew up in a haunthouse
Okay, cool
Jo, then it wouldn’t be creepy for myself
But no strange sounds or the like?
No, I don’t find lost places of all kinds creepy.
and why?
there are also scary noises, etc.
If no one is there, no sounds will come. I’m not playing, I’m out of age. Such places can be exciting and interesting, but for my feelings not creepy.
Search mql to liminal Space DAS is creepy
But cool:D
I find swimming pools more fascinating than scary
but shut down
Yes At night, in such a nem huge swimming pool, I am also creepy. Has a bit of backrooms ..
what is backrooms?
Just give it to Youtube or something .. or even “Liminal Space” .. find it completely creepy but somehow I like to see xD
In the found footage style as with Blair Witch would also be great, I just hope again 🙏
Jaa with the right Storry and so would be nice
Feeling I hope a good horror movie has come out for a long time