Ist es nicht ein Mythos, dass man auf Steinobst nichts trinken darf?
Ich spreche von normalen Wasser. Also keine Alkoholischen Getränke. Kann mich noch an meine Großeltern erinnern die zu mir immer gesagt haben man soll das auf keinen Fall machen. Selbst meine Eltern haben das zum Teil noch zu mir gesagt. Ich spreche von Steinobst wie Kirschen, Pflaumen, Zwetschgen usw.
Ich habe nie Probleme bekommen. Ist das also nicht ein Mythos? Man sagte immer man bekommt da angeblich starke Bauchschmerzen und Blähungen.
😄 I also know the spell from my childhood. Under the link you will find a theory about why you were warned before drinking for cherries.
Nowadays you can do this as a myth or at least as an outdated warning.
I know the spell. But there is actually no traceable reason for that. In the end, the fruit varieties even consist of a very large part of water.
And no, you don’t get a stomachache. Unless the fruit was not completely ripe or not okay or you drank water from a dirty source.
In the past, children were constantly preached to us. Personally, I never had a problem with it, although I often did not stick to it.
Recently, this seems to be scientifically disproved. It’s astonishing as such “witnesses” keep persistent.
Water is sometimes in front GARKEIN problem and I now have zig self tests with different fruits behind me – my conclusion: also fruit juice, milk etc. is no problem.
The only thing that doesn’t go is strawberries – but isn’t behind the getraenk…
that is a myth
Cherries are no longer trained to make abdominal pain