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You could say that, yeah.
A strategy and principles are important. From (negative) experiences (other) one should learn, but cannot be removed from the system into corresponding products.
Definitely – who deals in detail with the subject before and does not make the usual mistakes, he will have his pleasure in shares in the predominant number of cases.
You don’t avoid cars because people make accidents.
People lose money because they go into shares completely without knowledge and plan. Make yourself a plan. Then it works
Yes, absolutely. You don’t have to compete with bad or incapable stock investors.
You don’t buy single titles, but ETF.
Depends on the investment amount.
If you’re looking for long enough, it always comes to “drauf”, everything. Could have pulverized EUR 50 million with WireCard. And then?
A smart investor looks at the balance sheets and GuV invoices before a stock purchase.
Of course, in the case of erroneous accounts and criminal energy, these cannot reveal all inconvenience.
For this reason, a wise investor is always struggling with his risk and never puts everything on a map.
Even if a value goes beyond the Wupper, this is no longer bad, as the effects on the overall depot are statistical noise.
I currently have over 40 individual titles in my depot, whose share weighting is between about 1 and 8%.
So if a value is to fall out, then this would mean in the static means that we speak of 4.5%.
These 4.5% are more than compensated by the remaining values.
That’s all right for me.