Ist es nachvollziehbar für arbeitslose eine Arbeitsstelle abzulehnen?

Unter Berücksichtigung des aktuellen Bürgergeldes und der finanziellen Lage von Arbeitslosen: Ist es verständlich für Arbeitslose, eine Jobstelle abzulehnen, bei der sie lediglich 450 Euro verdienen würden, insbesondere wenn das Bürgergeld eine deutlich höhere finanzielle Unterstützung bietet? Sollte man sich für einen gering entlohnten Job entscheiden, um zumindest teilweise zum Einkommen beizutragen, oder ist es vernünftiger, auf eine besser bezahlte Beschäftigung zu warten?

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10 months ago

Is it comprehensible to reject a job for unemployed people?

In individual cases.

You can not only see work on a monetary basis and should accept the jobs you can best practice or do. those who offer you.

10 months ago

This job isn’t about the question of whether you get out of the civil money cover. It’s just a mini job. And it brings at least 100 euros in addition to the citizen’s money (plus a bit of what, because of all over 100 euros, everything is not completely offset with the rule rate).

In addition, a minijob can also be the first step back to the labour market.

Therefore, I would advise everyone in this situation to accept this job! And “wait” should not be done for jobs anyway, but should actively try to find one!

10 months ago

I’d understand. I find someone unemployed doesn’t have to accept every job.

10 months ago

JEDE’s work brings more than citizen money. You can only compare it if you actually no LUST HAS, to work.

The € 450 would be increased. So you would definitely have 170 € more.

And of course you can continue to apply for better paid jobs.

10 months ago

Because you don’t get such a well-paid job if you don’t have anything to offer yourself!

It is dreaming if you have no training or qualifications but have expected an hour wage of 25€.

You’ll never reach a good standard of living.

Apply – Start NO and work high.

10 months ago

Yeah, I mean. Even the regulated daily routine and in the CV you have something to stand. As already mentioned, you can continue to apply elsewhere or just try to rise and/or further train.

10 months ago

Who prevents you from continuing to apply for better paid work? And without training you will always stay on the minimum wage level.

10 months ago

I would like to say that I do not really know about this, so I can like to correct or clarify myself.

I thought that, besides the civil money, you could also work up to a certain sentence, without which great what is deducted. If that’s not the case, I could understand that from the financial side. However, it wouldn’t be annoying to have a job in my life and to gamble every day before me, so I couldn’t understand it again…

10 months ago

Is it comprehensible to reject a job for unemployed people?

where they would earn only 450 euros

this would mean a monthly working time of 36.26 hours = weekly 8.355 hours.

Of this income, the transfer benefit recipient could retain 170 euros.

I see this very pragmatically and get out of a cheap inclusive rental of, for example, 537 euros. This then made it available (rent + rule rate + auxiliary earnings) net 1270 euros per month. In terms of a weekly working time of 8.355 hours and 36.26 hours a month, I consider an absolute above-average income… that is, high per hour of work 35.02 euros!

If a citizen’s pensioner refuses such a job, the benefits should be reduced by at least 50% of the eligible income ( 450 = 280 : 2 = reduction amount 140 Euro) for at least 3 months.

10 months ago

Also a “help worker” earns at a 40-hour week with minimum wage gross 2080 Euro / net LStKl. I = net 1520 euros per month and then, depending on the municipality / current rent level, has also according to additional entitlement to housing allowance.

10 months ago

Active job search is in the A and O I find