Ist es möglich zu viel Proteine zu sich zu nehmen?

Hallo und ich möchte gerne mehr Proteine zu sich nehmen, weil diese auch viel Energie geben.

Und sollte ich mehr Fleischprodukte zu sich nehmen damit das funktioniert oder sollte ich nach Vegetarischen und/oder Vegane Alternativen suchen?

Falls es Vegetarische oder Vegane Alternativen gibt, bitte schreibt mir das auf.

Bin kein Vegetarier oder Veganer


Bin männlich und 20

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3 months ago

Of course, too much protein can be taken. If you have no kidney disease, this is usually not a problem.

Between 1.5 and 2 g kilos of body weight are considered to be optimal protein feed. A little more could be helpful in a diet with a deficit to counteract the loss of muscles.

Good sources include: unprocessed meat, fish, eggs, nuts, cheese, dairy products, seeds, soya, legumes.

3 months ago
Reply to  Daniel551980

but not red meat

3 months ago
Reply to  ababab3

Why? And define “red meat”!

3 months ago
Reply to  ababab3

Sure, if it’s high quality, it doesn’t matter…

3 months ago

That’s exactly what I’ve read from such a study. In addition to correlation, there is no correlation. And as a matter of fact, the human decline in birth also correlates with the decline in the stork population… without giving up sexual science.

3 months ago

at least palmitic acid and myristic acid are unquestionably problematic

3 months ago

Based on epidemiological studies, i.e. large inaccurate data collections. Correlation is not equal to causality. That is why this recommendation is very, very shaky.

3 months ago

is associated with cancer, diabetes and heart problems, especially the fatty acids are a problem

3 months ago

He probably thinks the WHO recommendation recommends to reduce red meat to low-valid evidence. Red meat is understood to mean the whole muscle meat of mammals, including beef, veal, pig, lamb, lamb, horse and goat.

3 months ago

Of course, it is possible to take too many proteins. More than 2g per kilo body weight (and we are talking about normal and not overweight) should definitely not be. And even the 2g per kilo body weight are already much for Otto normal citizens.

Otherwise, and of course you should not take mass meats daily and animal products to you in general. Because that would be more than unhealthy. Also with vegan food you can easily get to your protein needs. For example, legumes, tofu, seitan, soybeans/grain granules, whole-grained products, nuts, seeds, seeds, seeds, seeds, sprouts, etc. Contains all proteins and partly even more per 100g as animal products.

3 months ago

Protein provides roughly as much energy as carbohydrates (per weight unit). Significantly more energy (per weight unit) supplies fat. But it’s just for info. This is No Recommendation to eat as much fat as possible.

Can you take too much protein? Think so. Many people who eat very high-protein food get bloating, for example.

3 months ago

Quark, yogurt, thick milk, kefir, tzatziki are good protein donors.


3 months ago

Hello normal and varied diet is enough, yes you can take fat proteins, in some people causes the side effects.