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2 months ago

The consideration expressed does not work. Especially because, like some in life, it is based on a misunderstanding.

There is no gender change in the sense. A man always remains a man, a woman always a woman. Only in fishes there is the case that male fish convert into female fish because of the other predisposition. But man is bound to his inheritance.
What now happens in truth is a plastic reworking of the body, but without its function. Comparable with glass eyes or the like. This then looks like a corresponding one, but cannot function it.

Accordingly, a change in sex is not possible in the sense and thus the question is actually answered.

However, it is theoretically possible for women to get pregnant by a second egg. This requires artificial fertilization, but it is possible to introduce the cell nucleus of an individual, on which half of chromosomes are located for a human, into a second and thus to fertilize it.

There are two hooks. On the one hand, only women can arise because only men possess the Y chromosome and thus do not occur in an egg cell. Moreover, in this case it would have similar genetic effects as incest with a direct relative. Actually, even worse, because relatives have the possibility that they have individual heir portions which are not carried in themselves, while in self-fertilization only the gene pool of an individual is present and the chance of a shrinking variation is much higher.

Only in a few plant species is self-fertilization or Self-examination is an essential part of the reproduction. These include heirs, which is why it was so suitable as a trial plan for the Mendelian rules.

9 months ago

No, because it is not possible to plant a functioning uterus with ovaries and to carry out a child in it.

Moreover, this would be worse than incest, a fertilized egg would die immediately due to the most severe malformations.

The latter would also be bullshit because you had no (own) egg cells. Hm.

9 months ago

No, it’s not possible.

9 months ago
Reply to  AdamHeintzig

how do you take the egg?

9 months ago

But you don’t have ovaries and no womb as a re-operated man! read my answer, I have described it!

You will only be externally matched, it is a gender equation and no transformation!

You don’t have sperm and no sperm!

9 months ago

Then your wife gets pregnant and not you. Or what new wife do you mean?

9 months ago

You don’t get the egg so easy. Vllt it’s easier for you to do the example differently. If a woman is allowed to operate a penis down, then you can not fertilize a woman because the body can still not produce sperm.

The same is also the “man” with a vagina.

9 months ago

Nope. A gender-balanced surgery only resembles the gender parts. There is no cervix and ecstasy.

Corresponding: no is not possible. At least as long as it is not possible to grow functional uterus and eier sticks from own stem cells.

9 months ago

Thinking is smart and saving you embarrassment.

9 months ago

If you make a change of sex, you have no womb, no ovaries and no eggs.

You stay male from the organs inside. Even the vagina is artificial and has no function of a real vagina.

So freeze seed cells, yes. But you don’t have ova and don’t have uterus to get pregnant

9 months ago

Just think about it. Of course you can’t.

8 months ago
Reply to  AdamHeintzig

These are transmen, i.e. persons of female sex, who feel as a man and have been designated as pregnant men in the articles due to politically correct authors.

9 months ago
Reply to  AdamHeintzig

Pregnant men were biological women who kept their inner organs and only looked outside male

9 months ago
Reply to  AdamHeintzig

Well, ask the pregnant men. :