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No, you can feel bad after that, but you can’t do anything you really don’t want to do.
No, because you can leave it if you don’t have any more bumps.
If you have a bad conscience after that, consider whether it wasn’t fun.
This is a form of self-seaming behavior when you touch yourself things that hurt you mentally or physically.
Can a narcist single parent have caused this?
Mostly it has to do with traumatic things, in severe cases mainly in childhood (PTBS or e.g. Borderline).
Finally, a psychotherapy would help you very much, that would be exactly the topic. You would get to know yourself better why you do what’s behind it and how you can reduce it or avoid it.
How do I solve the problem?
Do I process the experience through these actions or do I only harm myself?
You always have your Consent
What is consent?
Assent : In normal sex, they both agree that they want it. In rape, this is missing from the victim’s side.
Guess you think subconsciously that you need to be ashamed of this imagination and your living out
I see, but why do you feel bad after that if you wanted to?
Nevertheless, you have your consent that has to do with rape
But if I have a fantasy and then I agree to do it and I feel doof, then I did what I’m ashamed of and have a bad conscience…
No. That wouldn’t be rape.
Error – I can steal myself
rather to pamper yourself and if one obtains satisfaction from it, bad conscience comes because this is not compatible with their faith
It’s all right.
they call it comforting
You can try
Just try