Ist es möglich nach der 10 Klasse von Gesamtschule auf das Gymnasium zu wechseln(Nrw)?

Ich hätte die passenden Noten aber hab die 2 Fremdsprache nicht, könnte ich trotzdem von der Gesamtschule auf das Gymnasium wechseln?

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1 month ago

In particular: Gymnasiums always offer a 2nd foreign language for the last 3 years before the Abi, if you don’t have (enough) 2nd foreign language for the allg. HS maturity. Inform yourself.


1 month ago

As good as any gymnasium, a foreign language is offered at the beginning of the upper level. (If it’s not even everyone) This must then be occupied until the Abi. The choices can then be limited because it sometimes depends on whether a course will be completed.

For example, from class 11, Russian has always been offered at school.

On the other hand, the other languages (French, Spanish, Latin, Old Greek) were only offered when a course was made, because they had already been offered in lower vintages.

1 month ago
Reply to  Siraaa

However, the pace is quite decent there. Here it is important that you really stay there from the beginning, otherwise you are lost. (I noticed the difference at the pace between the second and third foreign languages (in class 9). The late beginnings from class 11 put another one on it

1 month ago

If you can retrieve the foreign language in the upper level, it is usually not a problem.

1 month ago

Yes, of course. You will learn the 2nd foreign language for the next 3 years, then it will fit

1 month ago

You have to talk to the gymnasium