Ist es möglich einzusehen, ob sich jemand in das Wlan versucht hat einzuloggen, auch wenn er das falsche Passwort eingegeben hat?
Angenommen jemand will sich in ein Wlan einloggen… er probiert es mehrmals mit dem falschen Passwort. Sind diese Versuche in dem Wlan Verlauf einsehbar?
It depends on the network and how it is set.
If you say it’s a student network than university?
Then I assume that this is logged in.
In doubt also with the info at which point, i.e. at which access point this was tried.
If that happens 1-3 times, it doesn’t matter, but if there are 700 attempts in 1 minute, the alarm bells can start.
it’s the wlan from the student residence and I think I’m going over as standard o2… I was hoping it’s not visible because I wanted to take this as an excuse for not an essential part of the lecture… that I just entered the password wrong and didn’t check it out. But if they can see that, its over
It would be better to go to the lecture and not to consider such unbelievable excuses. Even if it’s not logged, no one believes you don’t notice. You have to think of something better.
Ideally, this is logged in the system (router), yes.
The Fritzboxes are lying with me when I get away.
Standard, yes!
Basically there are devices that can log on, yes.
How? You don’t connect. But maybe there are tools
I don’t know, it’s a student whale and they can definitely see who signed up when… I just don’t know what they can still see…
Especially in such a WLAN, something will be installed to track registration attempts. In private networks rather not
What’s going on?
Sure, you’re connecting. You’re talking to the network, but you don’t get access because you’re wrong.
And that’s exactly what can be logged.
Do not believe