Ist es möglich eine fledermaus als haustier zu halten?
Ich habe vor kurzem eine Dokumentation über fledermäuse gesehen und wollte wissen, ob es möglich ist eine fledermaus als haustier zu halten? Ich weiß, das sie wild leben und tagsüber schlafen, aber gibt es irgendwelche gesetzlichen bestimmungen oder regeln für den besitz einer fledermaus? Was muss ich tun um sicherzustellen, dass mein Pet komfortabel und gesund lebt?
You can’t keep native animals as a pet.
If there are exotic animals, so not in Germany, it could look different.
But in order to do this, you need a certificate of expertise, you need to be able to prove an animal-friendly attitude and can fulfill and prove some other requirements and the animals are also subject to registration in most cases and a lot more.
This means you would have to be able to build a kind of bat house for such animals as you know from some good animal parks that are based on animal-friendly attitude.
Accordingly, you need a very large plot and a lot of capital to be able to get a real job, because this takes up a lot of space, especially since they also live in groups and the more animals you have, the more space.
Anyone who has a huge estate, with a huge garden and really has a lot of money, could do something quite workable for a dur average person rather not feasible.
I think, if at all, that would only be something for absolute experts in the field, which must also have the necessary resources for it.
Best regards
Technically, it is possible. Of course, you can hang nest and quarter boxes for bats.
Wild animals must not be kept as pets.
You can’t keep wild animals if you get to the zoo shop. I’ve never seen bats there.
With special permission, bats are also held, e.g. for research and medicine.
Keeping as a pet is forbidden, as mentioned several times here.
I still keep bats as pets, at my house and under the roof.
I offer them column quarters, weekly and winter quarters.
Totally cool. Respect!
Forget it!
no forbids as a wild animal. If you attach a bat box to your house, you might find bats under optimal conditions.
presumably, the complete Animal Protection Act and the Washington Art Protection Agreement speaks against it!
you can keep a flea mouse NIEMALS fit.
what’s next, delphin, orca, blue whale?
Law of common sense: No animal can be created as a pet if you cannot keep it art-friendly.
Yes, the mouse and her fellows offer shelter in the barn, on the attic and you already have a pet.
But do not “hold” in the sense of imprisonment.