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This is possible in principle, but a marginal undertaking for several reasons.
And so without singing, it borders hard on nonsense.
Overall, one could call the problem that in the brook kantaten too much happens at the same time and what happens for guitars unpleasantly fast, especially in the bass area, and unpleasantly high in the discant area.
Guitars play only limitedly true four-voice, almost two-voice with more full-voice positions when it comes.
So you have to unravel the music, let the middle voices go away, put the outside voices closer together and simplify… partly break the bass because it always goes down to D or C (7/8/10 Saiter Guitar would be helpful) and if there are several high instruments that are woven into each other then you have to leave most of it simply.
If you still want to represent singing on the guitar, it’s untrue – there are ua fugen that you won’t get right.
But it is already limited by the fact that with 4 singers (SATB) you would like to have more music behind you, much more than a single concert guitar. Especially the headsets of the cantatas where many instruments often have important parts would seem absurdly unbalanced.
I’m just seeing the answer. Consider that the individual sentences are, not all the cantata. It is not suitable for every sentence.
Everything is possible. The art of the arrangement on an instrument consists in leaving without disturbing the character and the harmonies.
Although not a cantate, successful implementation.
J. S. Bach: Arioso BWV 156 Classical guitar played by Per-Olov Kindgren
J. S. Bach: Jesus, Joy of Man’s Desiring (from Cantata 147) @Per-Olov Kindgren guitar
Or this, one of my favorite pieces, practiced for weeks until that sat.
John Williams – Prelude BWV 1006a Lute Suite 4 Sheet Music Score Guitar Tab PDF Download. Really good to hear!!