Ist es möglich, den Draht selber einzufädeln?
habe heute gemerkt, dass der Draht vom hintersten Backenzahn außerhalb des Brackets ist. Es tut nicht weh, zerkratzt nur die komplette ganze Innenseite der Wange. Kann ich den Draht selbst wieder einfädeln? Mit einer Pinzette oder so?
I really recommend it. Maybe it just looks, or you feel it’s not a problem, but
1. Don’t take any advice on the Internet. Here are 12 year old children who could talk to you some nonsense
Two. Always ask a doctor or ask a doctor for such questions.
Hello Viperpage,
if the sheets are still thin, then it can work.
It’s easier if you have someone who does it for you. It is a challenge in the back of the mouth to meet the tube over the mirror, i.e. mirror-inverted with the bow. Above all, you shouldn’t make a kink in.
But today, the orthodontic orthodontist would have stopped. He’s done it more often. That’s all right. When the bow pikts into the cheek, this is obernervig and gets worse and worse. You should do something.
Good luck!
Okay, thanks.
Even if it’s unpleasant, but I wouldn’t manipulate it myself.
No, let it be