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Wichtige Aspekte zur Cannabis Legalisierung?
Ich muss eine Präsentation darüber halten und habe schon viele Unterthemen dazu, aber habe das Gefühl, dass mir eine wichtige Sache fehlt. Was sind politische Aspekte/Probleme mit der Legalisierung?
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“Bald”, as well as excluded. “Sometimes,” unlikely. Cigarettes have been exaggerated for decades and can be consumed as well as everywhere without the negative impact on perception.
Conversely, the consumption of cannabis is strongly limited by law. I believe that it is also mainly consumed by its medical and psychoactive effects. The effect lasts after consumption and is the least something that can easily be integrated into everyday life.
Maybe interesting: Why are people still afraid of a strong increase in cannabis use?,
Yes close,
Because cannabis is legal, CBD cannabis possession is no longer being persecuted. So the cannabis without an intoxicating effect. So far, that was not quite legal. Now it’s both legal. And it will change a lot if it remains.
Unintoxicating cannabis has many advantages for tobacco. Except the price, of course. It doesn’t matter to many smokers.
Alcohol has been legal for a long time.
Not all people drink.
Tobacco products have been legal for a long time.
Not all people smoke, smoke or suck tobacco.
Cannabis has just been partially legalized.
Why should all cannabis suddenly smoke?
In my opinion, the number of cannabis users will not change seriously.
I hardly know anyone who has waited for legalization to be able to consume it and not consumed until then.
However, the hypothesis could eventually occur if the number of smokers continues to fall from normal cigarettes.
Smoking of normal cigarettes has the advantage that after consumption you remain fit for work and transport. It’s more a daily drug than a party drug.
There are also CBD cannabis, 0%THC allowing you to smoke traffic-friendly cannabis. Since the possession of it has been partly forbidden, I see a great development
Right, I don’t have any experience with it, and I couldn’t even say what effects cannabis zero has. That means I can’t guess how popular this could be.
My question is not what it cannot, but rather what it can.
Will it calm down? Does it just smell good? Are skin diseases going away?
Is the soothing effect really still awkward?
What is the target group for Cannabis Zero? Patients of medicine?
There have been CBD shops in Germany for many years. And there are so many who market it. It doesn’t make high, tried once and very popular with some older people. A little more expensive, but changes with the increasing offer.
Yes, that’s possible. Less smoking normal cigarettes
Long term yes. Since Corona, however, the number of smokers has risen sharply again!
No, you’re not.
Statistics on the number of smokers in Germany | Statista
According to a forecast by the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of smokers in the German population could reach around 16.2 million by 2025 over 15 years. This would continue the downward trend and the number would be more than a quarter lower than in 2000 (22.22 million). The number of daily smokers could also fall from around 17.49 million smokers around the turn of the millennium to about 12.78 million in 2025.
I can’t imagine.
So many will not be.