Ist es möglich, das ich mit einem Drucker auf Glas drucke und dann auf das Glas was mit Farbe voll ist ein Blatt drauf drücke, das es abfärbt?
damit man die Druckpixel nicht sieht?
Oder funktioniert das nicht?
Ein Drucker druckt ja mit mit Farbe, vermischt er die Farbe oder wie funktioniert das?
For this you should have a printer that can print on glass at all. It’s impossible in a normal inkjet printer.
In addition, you don’t see the individual pixels in a normal expression anyway.
But, do you think that the glass is slipped in with something that the ink does not hold up there, a printer works like a screen that has only 3 colors available, but it does not show that the eye sees it or?
Something better printers work with four colors. black, red, yellow and blue. Black mixed from the three colors will never be such a beautiful black.
I’ll sign it!
Cyan, magenta and yellow and key are also only yellow, red, blue and black. Just hold body colors. But this is not the question.
The fact is that there are printers that can also print solid materials. But, as I said, these are no longer normal inkjet printers.
I’ve never seen a printer with RGB ink. CMY, RGB is only useful for screens because they imitate the light.
Since it is smeared, the pressure would be unclean and neither qualitatively nor clean – as therefore we do not need to think about it or discuss it here.