Ist es möglich das es was zwischen einem Busfahrer und einer Fahrgästen klappt (Beziehung mäßig)?
Wir haben uns paar mal gesehen und wir hatten Augenkontakt. Im rück Spiegel habe ich auch gesehen das er mich angeguckt hat an der Ampel.
Habe ihn leider lange nicht mehr gesehen aber kann es wirklich was werden oder ist das überhaupt nicht möglich wegen seinem Job
You have to count on the possibility that the bus driver is married. Probably that’s the most!
It won’t fail at the job. Otherwise, every bus driver would be single 😅
Nor does his job prevent him from entering a relationship with a passenger.
The question is more whether he really has interest or you only imagine it because you’re crazy.
I can’t know because we haven’t seen each other for a long time
And I think if I had met him differently so privately I would have better chances
Yes I think so
Oh, eye contact. Yeah.
I think it was irony. Because you’re in the eye contact so much.
what do you think with oha eye contact
That was sarcastic.
Aso jaa but we looked at each other again or had eye contact
is absolutely forbidden because of traffic safety at least on the bus.
What is forbidden? But we can get in touch at the bus stop or?
if you stick to it!
Sure, why shouldn’t it work.
Yes because it is difficult to get into conversation among so many passengers