Ist es mittlerweile normal das der Döner 7€ kostet?
wie teuer ist eurer?
wie teuer ist eurer?
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in der heutigen Zeit leben oder in den 70/80ern
The last one I’ve eaten cost 2.50€. Wash before 2 or something. In tokyo, depending on the size and location, 2.20€ to 5€ are usual. Meat is better than in DE, also percentage more meat, but broth is worse. In the regular chicken, many have only chicken, bark usually costs 60 cent more when they have it.
Yes, unfortunately, this has become normal. The reason for this is rising rents, rising purchase prices for meat, vegetables and other things, and I believe prices will go even further.
It’s hard to say. In some cities, a Döner costs almost 9 euros, in some suburbs only 4 euros
By 2018, I never paid more than 3.50€, but with chicken. With lamb, what I prefer, €4.50.
From 2018 I live in Israel and pay here, for about 300g Döner with lamb never more than 20₪, i.e. close to 5€.
Have also seen this once with 1kg lamb, with huge fladen bread, lots of herb, onions and deculent souce (total weight ~2kg) for 80₪ (20€). But that was enough for 3x lunch.
Largest hamburger I eat in Israel, in the Arab Kibbuz Abu Gosh, weighed 1.5kg, with about 1kg meat bottle. 50 (12 (12,50€) paid for it. And largest hot dog 1.5kg with 5 pieces sausages a 25cm length and corresponding. Ingredients for Indian snack in Talpiot/Jerusalem, also for only 50₪. I had to take half of it, enough for 2x lunch.
But I also understand the prices in Germany. Everything is becoming more expensive and that is what the diner has to pass on to the customers.
With us recently, because of the drastically rising cocoa prices, chocolate became 15% more expensive.
7€ is a good money for a good fool. With me here the big döner costs 6.50€ and this is completely ok
Yeah, that’s normal.
For us, we’ll pay €7.50.
Yes, 7 euros are actually the average, but longer. I think some people need more than 10 euros. Here it costs 5,50-6,50 euros, but is a small town in a rural region.
Yes, but nearby there is one that still sells for 3,50€.
We have 6 men in the village:
Once 8€ (near school)
Once 7,50€
Once 6,50€ (is also the best diner)
That’s all about 7€ – so yes
In the city where I live, a dungeon currently costs 6 euros.
Yeah, it’s normal.
No, 7€ is cheap
Yes normal.
But what should they do will be all more expensive they have to earn something
With us so between 4€ and 7€.
I don’t like them.
Between 5-6€
In most cities yes
Our cost also 7 Euro 🤯🤯🤯
LG ✨🦖🦖🦖
Mondays only 3 euros, but in Lehe, please not for Germans.
Very tasty by the way.
with me the already 9, 50€ costs significantly more than your 🙈
yes, is no more rare.
Hello Waldmorti
A village further from us costs even 12€. Here in the city they cost between 6,30€-8,00€
Yes, with us it costs 7.50 €
Unfortunately, yes.
At my Dönerladen I pay for the time 6.50
Yes, in Munich this would be even favorable
Safe 12-14CHF
8 euros
So almost 16,00 Mark 😉
ok yes I don’t know with Mark I know net from xD
6 euros he costs here
6 euros.
Here’s 5,50 euros.
Your name is hard:)
8€ with cheese 8.50€
Prices have risen because now you have to filter all the Coli bacteria from the Döner.
It’s already 5 euros, it’s a jammer.
Yep, here too…
5 €. Turning pies 😉
So Saxony Anhalt?