Ist es leicht vom Arzt Zopiclon oder Benzodiazepine zu bekommen?


Mal eine Frage wenn ich zum Arzt gehe und den sage das ich psychisch gerade ziemlich am Ende bin weil gerade jemand gestorben ist und ich kaum schlafe und ziemlich am Ende bin, verschriebt der dann Zopiclon oder Benzodiazepine? Also ist das einfach ?

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1 year ago

So I know doctors, they’re known to write this fast.

I have some mental problems and I asked my psychologist and neurologist to try out diazepam. But he did tell me very quickly. Right now, I’m taking paroxetin. Is an anti depressant but somehow it doesn’t help as we hoped.

He meant that usually leads to a dependency and you don’t want it yourself.

But if you know a doctor who walks around with the recipes then I would get that fast

1 year ago
Reply to  Cobalfg

No, my main doctor isn’t there. He wants me to do a therapy, and if that doesn’t help you, you could think about writing that. But as I said, there are other doctors who write this very quickly you just need to know where

1 year ago

Describe the odd is more difficult as it makes dependent

more antidepressants enterico etc

1 year ago
Reply to  Cobalfg

So with a good doctor it doesn’t work so easy 😂 does not know which doctors have tested

1 year ago

Trying to study answers in GutFrage.
What do you want to tell the doctor if the prescribed means are to end? Anybody died again? Still sleeping problems?