Is it legal to register as self-employed (business) and pay yourself monthly (reserve money…savings account etc.) in order to accumulate working years?
That means I pay myself a monthly salary…for example, 2000 euros net from my savings account. So I would be working independently and earning money even though I'm not actually working and I'm not earning any money either…Is that legal?
You can do it. The question is just what you want to achieve.
You can also pay insurance contributions from my own pocket if I am properly informed and where ‘work years’ are needed I do not know. Unless you were hired somewhere and that would be great of importance… but you wouldn’t be hired with your own individual company, but at most with a company as a legal entity.
And the 25,000 euros minimum stock capital plus the annual accounts… you can do, but I’d be too much stress if you don’t have any added value at all.
Otherwise, if you’d keep investing money in the company again and again. With this, your company would also have incomes of 0 at the end of the year (you must, of course, fill in corresponding tax returns)…someone would wonder why you are doing all the stress, even though you want to live only by your own savings book.
But the cuts from the savings book can be traced well in doubt… that might be relevant if IRGENDJEMAND asks what you’re doing.
Yeah, it is.
I’d even guess.
However, for the 2000€ net you will pay about 3000€
At least.
Really legal? Any monkey could say that.
Okay, you’re right.
It’s not legal.
.he can, however, voluntarily deposit in the tickets he wants.
Otherwise, he would still have the idea of wanting to settle himself or anything else, without intention of profit, and that would be criminal.
What do you want to do, except that you have to pay taxes on the money you pay for yourself?
And social charges
Optional yes, with self-employment.
He doesn’t get around a health insurance
Self-employed: payroll for me? billing-fuer-mich-self-wage-and-content-fuer-autonomous-fy21/