Ist es legal an lost places zu sprayen?

Hey, ist es eigentlich legal an lost places zu sprayen oder stört es niemanden oder stört das jemanden. Wäre schön zu wissen da ich und ein Freund lost places erkunden wollen.

Vielen dank für die Antwort im vorraus.

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7 months ago

No, of course it is not – the place has an owner.

Even entry is prohibited. While I do not feel the entering of an obviously abandoned place as sooo extremely bad (aside from the risk of collapse, which can of course be significant) – but it is my very personal assessment, home peace break is still.

But: The magic of lots of lots of places has something to do with leaving them, sometimes even real time capsules. Everyone who steals sprays or something, damages or otherwise alters that destroy a Lost Place.

For that, I have no understanding of the good graffiti.

7 months ago

It is generally prohibited everywhere and illegal where there is no explicit permission from the owner. And also “Lostplaces” belong to anyone

7 months ago

Spraying is in places that do not belong to oneself or where you have an explicit permission is always prohibited.

Apart from the fact that it is very, very ugly, everywhere these stupid carnivals.

6 months ago
Reply to  Skywalker17

It is art, I find it very beautiful but not at a lott place that still has the conscience of the people in this building

6 months ago
Reply to  Sisibina

If it’s just art, but most are just horrible.

7 months ago


Spraying is always illegal when it is made in a place that is not specifically intended for it.


7 months ago

You can only spray your own possessions, and thus Basta. Even though many use the chance of abandoning, ripe houses or older, excavated trains to spray, it is still foreign property, so it counts as property damage and therefore it is illegal.

7 months ago

The places are for you to make it easy and spray. I don’t think so it’s property damage and house peace break. Someone’s got it, even if it’s a “lost place”. On the paper it belongs to who.

7 months ago

As a photographer, I find it a pity. As if you disturb a rest of the dead.

7 months ago

It is always illegal to damage foreign property and be it in the form of scribbles like spray or paint and so on …

7 months ago

Is it legal to spray lost places?


It is still property damage, because the building (or whatever) is not yours.

7 months ago

Without permission of the owner it is always illegal.