Ist es legal Altöl in ein Lostplace zu verstauen?
So das es nicht ausläuft
So das es nicht ausläuft
und kann er in die blaue Tonne?
Do olive stones belong in the compost or in the regular garbage? Best regards, Andreas
Kann mir jemand diesen Zitat von T.S. Eliot Mal erklären, bezogen auf eine saubere Umwelt? Kann mir jemand ein Beispiel dazu geben? Dankee
Hallo ich kann leider nix im Internet zu dieser Frage finden bitte helft uns. Müssen das in einer halben Stunde fertig haben. Also, warum ist die Spree wichtig für die Kultur/Geschichte/Wirtschaft unserer Stadt (Berlin)?
Hello! Since humans are multiplying exponentially and the population has increased by half in the last 50 years, the fun should come to an end at some point. Apart from what is happening to nature and our environment today alone as a result of such a mass of people – when will it be over…
Of course not. How do you know it doesn’t end at some point?
If the bud falls or something?
Moreover, waste oil is not a waste but valuable raw material from which new lubricants can be produced. For the reason alone, it doesn’t belong anywhere – but recycled
I just don’t want to put it in
and the next Urbexer stumbles over it and then it runs out.
How can one only come to such lumpy incidents
This would be illegal disposal of hazardous waste. You can even land a few years in prison.
It’s just more complicated to hide that somewhere than throwing away according to order.
Yes, I also see that the money is asking for
It’s not legal.
Don’t have to get caught.
Okay I’ll watch
This is illegal waste disposal and punishable – right!
What is a Lostplace, there isn’t that in German.
Leave hut
Of course not!
How to get on such a hot idea?!
No, but no one finds out objectively.