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Of course not. You pay not only the sandwich, but also the labor power that it prepares you, the place that needs to be entertained to offer you, additional costs and all the ingredients that are kept ready to offer different sandwiches, but then are finally disposed of because nobody bought them.
Who buys it out, enjoys a luxury. You don’t have to have it all the time and you can make yourself cheaper.
Kind of. At the bakery where I go shopping it costs a maximum of half (probably less, but I didn’t pay attention to it).
Nobody forces you to buy. There are enough people who are willing to pay this, otherwise you wouldn’t offer it.
You don’t have to buy it… who’s too lazy to do something for yourself, you have to pay for it, and you’re gonna have jobs to be paid…
Man must: not paying at all. Only if you agree to buy it. If you’re too expensive, just go on.
No, that’s reality
7€?😱 Young, younger, I can give myself a really hard time at Frankfurt Main Station.
You don’t have to, or are you forced? If you pay seven euros voluntarily, the baker does everything right.
Hunger is not a disease, so everything is good.
What’s sick in your eyes?
If I want to buy an overpriced sandwich… which I don’t have to. You can decide for yourself.
No! Sick is actually just that some people are not able to make themselves a simple sandwich!