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If you get out with it (also at age) and have a fulfilling job is nothing funny about it. In the case of academia, however, I find it a little.
Define strange?
As a pupil/student or secondary job, I find it okay if the job is also “simple”. At higher qualifications, however, I would rather not sell my labour force for 12€/hour.
Depends on how you define it strangely, it is the legal minimum wage and if it’s enough for you then fits!
Do not listen to others who say I deserve more, such people have no reputation and respect!
If you earn € 12.00 per hour, your monthly wage would be € 2.080. This result was achieved by using your basic salary with the number of hours, weeks and months you worked a year, in the assumption that you work 40 hours a week.
Have a good day!
Greetings Daniel
No. This is the minimum wage, some work for it. In general, this is not funny
I find it very respectful when one tries to stand on his own legs. That’s why I find it very good to work for 12€ an hour.
As a specialist, of course, you deserve more.
Those who work for twelve Euros will support that there will be jobs in the low-wage sector in the future. At the same time, our system will naturally collapse when people stop working for so little money. So it is good that people work so little money.
It is not funny, and it is the minimum wage. 😉
Besides, there are also part-time jobs that pay 12 € / hour, and it is by no means funny.
no qualification = normal wage – with luck, for example, tariff classification in an industrial enterprise, it can also be 2…3…4€ above the minimum wage.
In order to earn more than just the minimum wage today, a completed state training is a minimum.
Is the minimum wage and in many simple relief jobs there is no longer. Depends on what work. OK, in my job, I wouldn’t even put the alarm clock to get up for the hour wage.
That’s not “comic”, that’s the minimum wage. Depending on the activity, such a payment will be too low.
No. And that’s better than not working at all.
I respect every person who works for his money. Of course, I give everyone more pay. It’s not funny or funny.
I don’t find funny, but rather stupid.
Very stupid.
Let us call people unreflected;)
You have an average of 85 years to live and exchange 1h for 12€
This is more than unreflected when you think it’s worth it.
Depends on the activity.
There are areas in Germany where there is hardly more hourly wages.
Money is money also who it is only 5 euros
If you have enough
What’s funny? It’d be weird if you’d rather be on the bag for others. :
I don’t know. I work for a lot more.
What’s wrong with that? This is the legal minimum wage.