Ist es komisch Mineralien zu sammeln?


Ich bin M14 und sammle Mineralien (Steine/Kristalle). Ich habe SEHR viele Mineralien. Viele bezeichnen mich als komisch und gestört, weil ich Mineralien sammle. Ich habe dafür übrigens sicher schon 500-1000 CHF. Ist das nicht ein normales Hobby? Ist das wircklich komisch oder normal?

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4 months ago

In my opinion, this is completely normal I collect, for example, silver coins for fun but also people know the minerals collect. As long as you have a hobby what makes you feel fun

4 months ago

This is a very beautiful and educational hobby where you can learn a lot about geology and mineralogy, but also chemistry, physics, history, mining etc. And there you have many famous role models that also collected minerals: Goethe, Alexander von Humboldt, Helmut Kohl, Maria Theresia, almost all the fences in Russia. And if you collect with a lot of knowledge (e.g. good new findings that exist only for a short time; historical mineral levels with very old collection labels), it is also a good investment.

4 months ago

No, it’s not, there are collectors for everything in this world.

Don’t let anyone talk to you about what’s fun and fun.

I collect antique watches, have already spent a lot of money. Many people find me funny, but I don’t care about it.


1 month ago

No I collect on minerals and I go on a mineral stock exchange 2 times a year. I have 2 small showcases with not so expensive minerals and a larger one with more expensive minerals. That’s the latest I got with previous weekend

So I think it’s normal.

4 months ago

Look at Mindat (on the Internet), there are collectors putting their finds/collection pieces out – and you learn a lot about the different manifestations and colors, finds, chemism, etc.

4 months ago

I think that’s a fancy hobby ,tu, what makes you fun