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Kann man das noch essen?
Danke schonmal
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If blood has already been removed and the laboratory values are already there, you can actually print out the evaluation at the reception. Just go and ask and wait. I’ve done many times. For everyone has the right to understand his data.
There are doctors who don’t like to do this, and I also understand. My doctor, for example, insists on a review of the blood values so that he can explain exactly WAS, instead of making you panic worries about any elevated leukocytes and arriving here with cancer, while you actually only had a flu two months before and a slight increase can then simply be normal.
In short: No, ‘always’ is not possible.
This can only tell you your doctor’s practice. Every practice is different.
whether it’s “always” I don’t know, but with my doctor you can take a blood picture if nothing really noticeable.
question is whether you can read.
This comes to practice
I get this on demand without discussion.