Ist es im polnischen Wald gefährlich und was sind das für Geräusche?
Ich bin vor einigen Tagen tief in die polnische Wildnis reingefahren zwecks Astrophotographie. In so einer abgelegenen Gegend bin ich noch nie gewesen. Es gab keine asphaltierte Straße, ab und zu fuhr man durch arme Dörfer mit nur wenigen Häusern. Das war schon ein seltsames Gefühl.
Schon als ich ausstieg kamen mir aus dem Wald Geräusche entgegen. Es hat sich nach Kühen angehört. Außerdem noch eine Art Bellen. Ob es ein Bison gewesen ist?
Dort war es so leise, das man jedes kleinste Geräusch wahrgenommen hat. Ständig hat irgendwas im Gebüsch gerasselt. Ich blieb deswegen die ganze Zeit im Auto während die Kamera draußen lief.
Dann gab es da noch ein undefinierbares Geräusch das man nicht beschreiben kann. Das Geräusch war im Takt also jede 2 Sekunden war es zu hören. Ich dachte hier an eine Art Maschine, doch gesehen habe ich nichts.
Cows and bisons rarely bark until never. I think belling is more like dogs or wolves. In sparsely populated areas in Poland, it is quite likely that wolves are on the way. Therefore, it is a bit more worrying than being alone in the forest in Germany.
Electric fence? Trafo?
Poland still has many unspoiled forest areas where large animals such as Wisente, Bears, Luchse and Wolves can be found.
Here’s the link with the animal species that you might have heard:
I found out the noises came from deer. I haven’t heard anything like that.
It’s 100% safer than anywhere in Frankfurt or Berlin, if you’re afraid, then you can enjoy a sip of high-percent alcohol or hockey at home, because you don’t need to be afraid. It is well possible that there is somewhere a person on the go, that collects mushrooms or an animal that wants to live in peace. If you behave appropriately, so don’t run around like a madman, nothing will happen to you.
No Polish forests are safe. The greatest danger is lost,
There are actually more animals in Poland than in domestic forests.
The most dangerous are wild boars.
But there are also bears and wolf there. Nevertheless, accidents with wild boar are more common than bear and wolf. Bears are predominantly vegans but also ending animals, insects etc. Fish are predominantly the only prey they actively hunt. The bear is threatened when he sees himself or his boys threatened. In particular, keep away from female animals with young animals.
Wolf is very shy and avoids people, accidents in the past are mainly due to rabies infested animals. Accidents with wolves are extremely rare.
Even the Wildschein does not chase people, but only defends itself and its breeding. However, if it is more irritable than the wolf and not quite so shy and, above all, more widespread, wild boar accidents are more common.
Snakes, insects and co are much more dangerous. Snakes through poison, possibly and insects through the transmission of diseases. There is also only a limited number in Poland that can become dangerous.
The probability of survival is 99.95%.
That’ll be cows.
Probably an electric pasture fence, you can hear the timing in some models.
At least the pictures have become what?
They weren’t cows. As I said, there were only cow-like sounds and they felt from all sides.
The next village was about 2km away. The pictures have become very good.
Wisente… there are, but they are rather shy and rare. In Poland (and not only there) cows are often also out at night and there are many forest pastures. So I wouldn’t exclude that.
Deer is almost like cow, only with consecration 🙂
The riddle is solved, it was deer sounds. I didn’t think so. I’d rather get out of Elchen.
Those who do not know the sounds of an hedgehog in the forest will consider this to be the attack of large animals.
Foreign countries, foreign animals.
will say: because it is so uninhabited, you do not know to classify it. Can only be wild boars or other, quite normal animals.
this can also be experienced in the Black Forest, in the Eifel or in Bavaria, unrestrained roads, decayed settlements, strange sounds and small blood suckers
There are no good places to photograph in Germany. It’s too bright. In my opinion, Poland and Austria are the best places in the Alps.
This “bellen” may have been just fraternal bulls. It’s deck season.